


Netalych was a cold planet located in the seventh orbit of the Netalych system[3] in the Inner Rim Territories[1] and Trailing Sectors,[2] situated at the coordinates N-14 on the Standard Galactic Grid just off of the Corellian Run[1] super-hyperroute.[4] The outpost DN-949A was situated on Netalych, and was utilized as a fueling post and chemical processing facility by the Galactic Empire. The outpost's population consisted of less than 500 organics and 1600 droids of fifth-degree intelligence or higher. Six days after the Battle of Endor, the droids overthrew the local military and claimed independence and self-governance. The organic population was allowed to remain, but they were forced to work for the droids, who continued to allow visitors and sold fuel to earn credits.[3]

Around one year after the battle, a strike team from the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing led by former pilot Yrica Quell—who was secretly assisting the New Republic in hunting down the fighter wing—was sent by Colonel Soran Keize to Netalych. The team's objective, only known to Quell, was to meet with the droid known as the Surgeon and have the remains of the 204th's Messenger droid analyzed in order to figure out how it chose the participants for Operation: Cinder. Chass na Chadic and Kairos, two of Quell's comrades during her time as a New Republic pilot, followed her to Netalych, engaging in a shootout with the Imperial strike team. The outpost was locked down by the droids during the fighting, and while the two pilots managed to capture Quell and escaped the planet, they were attacked by the droids in retaliation, suffering damage to their U-wing.[3]

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