


"And yet there is also your family's reputation to consider. Is it not true that your cousins were recently sanctioned by the Senate for failing to declare newly discovered hyperspace routes that, if disclosed, might have prevented an emergency from killing thousands on the moon of Grast?"
―Meldan, to Tilson Graf[1]

The moon of Grast was a terrestrial moon where thousands died during an emergency that was potentially avoidable had members of the Graf family revealed hyperspace routes they had discovered. In 382 BBY, the incident was brought up when the family's Tilson Graf offered to serve as the new mediator of a proposed treaty signing on the moon Jedha.


"While it is true that some outlying members of my clan have demonstrated the occasional propensity for…poor judgment, surely it is unfair to tar us all with the same brush? The Grafs have done a great deal of good for the galaxy, too. Surely that far outweighs the misdemeanors of a couple of rogues?"
―Tilson Graf, responding to Meldan's bringing up of the event surrounding his cousins[1]

During the High Republic Era, cousins of the Graf family member Tilson Graf discovered hyperspace routes but did not declare them, and an emergency that killed thousands on the moon of Grast occurred at some point after.[1] Around 382 BBY,[2] the cousins were sanctioned by the Galactic Republic's Galactic Senate as it was believed that, had they disclosed the routes, it could have prevented the emergency.[1]

That year,[2] following the death of Morton San Tekka, the mediator of the intended signing of a treaty between the warring Outer Rim planets Eiram and E'ronoh on[1] the Mid Rim[3] moon Jedha, Graf volunteered to take his place. As Graf made his case to Republic Chairperson Meldan, she brought up the incident involving his cousins and the moon, believing that the Grafs' reputation had to be considered. In response, Graf noted it was unfair to judge all members of his family the same way because of the actions of some, and he was ultimately accepted as the new mediator.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The moon of Grast was mentioned in The High Republic: The Battle of Jedha, an audio drama written by George Mann[4] and released on January 3, 2023, as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.[5] The spelling of the moon's name was confirmed with the release of the audio drama's script,[1] published on February 14 of the same year.[5]


Notes and references[]
