


"[… Vcika's] prolly got that funny lookin' little statue with him, too. Loved that thing more than life itself… said when he got outta the joint he'd go dig it up from where he'd stashed it out past the mollusk arches and that the Ayrou 'would never get it back,' whatever that meant."
―A former Thonner prisoner[1]

The mollusk arches were a location on the Outer Rim Territories planet Thonner. At one point, the Mon Calamari prisoner Vcikas buried a statue sought after by members of the Ayrou species at a site situated past the mollusk arches, with a group of treasure hunters later learning about the deed.


The mollusk arches were a site on Thonner, a planet that was located in the Moddell sector[1] of the Outer Rim Territories[2] and was covered in shallow oceans and seas that were broken by chains of sandy islands.[3]


At some point after Thonner's settlement[1] in 25 BBY[3] and during the planet's use as a penal colony by the Ayrou species, a group of incarcerated Ayrou criminals hid there a statue sought after by their fellow Ayrou. The prisoners planned to escape and retrieve the statue, but it eventually fell into the hands of another incarcerated individual, the Mon Calamari Vcikas. He became very attached to the artifact and buried it at a site past the mollusk arches, being likewise determined to retrieve it once he left prison—which he did end up doing by escaping at one point at least sixteen years after Thonner's colonization.[1]

Eventually, a fellow escapee relayed the story of their and Vcikas' escape to a listener, mentioning the mollusk arches. Around that time, Thonner was visited by a group of treasure hunters who, on account of the tale, believed that the statue Vcikas had possessed was, in fact, one of the two valuable artifacts known as the Tessents.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Race for the Tessent G9

The mollusk arches were introduced in the roleplaying adventure "Race for the Tessent."

The mollusk arches were mentioned in the roleplaying adventure "Race for the Tessent," which was published for use with Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Roleplaying Game in the ninth issue of the Star Wars Gamer magazine[1] on February 22, 2002.[4]

Instead of featuring a set plot, "Race for the Tessent" presents several settings in the Moddell sector, Thonner being one of them, that the player-characters may visit during their search for the artifacts known as the Tessents. For each of the settings, the adventure also suggests possible circumstances for a Tessent being hidden there. Assuming that as much of the non-contradictory information presented in the adventure as possible is canonical with respect to the Star Wars Legends continuity, this article assumes that the Alsakan Tessent and the Ayrou Tessent were instead hidden on the planets Ast Kikorie and Vasha, respectively.[1]


Notes and references[]
