


This module replaces Template:Multiple issues.

As there are a number of potential issues that can be highlighted and the relatively complex HTML/wikitext that makes up the template structure.

Code flow is as follows:

  1. Declare the text elements in variables (displayFile, warningCaption, warningMessage and warningComment)
  2. Check if any issues have been passed through to the template
  3. Build the bullet list
  4. Append additional commentary for "update" issue (can happen during the list build or immediately after as the update and updatecontent parameters are independent of each other)
  5. Assign css styles for outer <div> to inlineStyles
  6. Assign css styles for <table> to padding
  7. Build the template.

local p = {}
local a = require('Dev:Arguments')
local switch = require('Module:Multiple issues/switch')
local sc = require('Module:SpecialCategorizer')

-- Moved to function as more than one call
local function updateContent(updateText)
	return ' The article needs to be updated with \'\'' .. updateText
	.. '\'\'.'

function p.main(frame)
	local args = a.getArgs(frame)

	local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	--Grab the talkpage
	local namespace = mw.site.namespaces[title.namespace].talk.name
	 title = namespace .. ':' .. title.talkPageTitle.text
	-- Flag to apply args['updatecontent'] is update is not present
	local updateFlag
	--Content items, saves digging through the actual code to find the text
	local displayFile = '[[File:Got A Bad feeling.jpg|125px]]'
	local warningCaption = 'I have a bad feeling about this&hellip;'
	local warningMessage = 'This article has multiple issues and is in need' ..
		' of major additions and/or work. '
	local warningComment = 'Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. '
		.. 'Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. '
		.. 'See this article\'s [[' .. title
		..'|talk page]] for more information.'
	if args then
		local issues = ''
		--Add each issue to the bullet list of issues. Theoretically infinite
		for k, v in pairs(args) do
			--[[ updatecontent is handled slightly differently so we don't want 
				it adding to the list ]]
			if k ~= 'updatecontent' and switch[v] and k ~= 'test' then
				issues = issues .. '\n*' .. frame:preprocess(switch[v])
				--Add additional text for update if updatecontent parameter exists
				if v == 'update' and args['updatecontent'] then
					issues = issues .. updateContent(args['updatecontent'])
					updateFlag = true
		if not updateFlag and args['updatecontent'] then
			issues = issues .. '\n*' .. frame:preprocess(switch['update']) 
			.. updateContent(args['updatecontent'])
		--[[ Add a new line after the last bullet, if removed the last list
			element will have a larger bullet than previous elements
		issues = issues .. '\n' 
		-- Styles applied to outer div
		local inlineStyles = {
			['background'] = '#E8E7ED',
			['color'] = '#000',
			['border-radius'] = '10px'
		--attributes for <table> 
		local padding = {
			['cellspacing'] = '0',
			['cellpadding'] = '0'
		--Builds notice's html structure and insert text/style elements
		local container = mw.html.create('div')
		return container
	return ''

function p.test(frame)
	local args = a.getArgs(frame)

	local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	--Grab the talkpage
	local namespace = mw.site.namespaces[title.namespace].talk.name
	 title = namespace .. ':' .. title.talkPageTitle.text
	-- Flag to apply args['updatecontent'] is update is not present
	local updateFlag
	--Content items, saves digging through the actual code to find the text
	local displayFile = '[[File:Got A Bad feeling.jpg|125px]]'
	local warningCaption = 'I have a bad feeling about this&hellip;'
	local warningMessage = 'This article has multiple issues and is in need' ..
		' of major additions and/or work. '
	local warningComment = 'Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. '
		.. 'Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. '
		.. 'See this article\'s [[' .. title
		..'|talk page]] for more information.'
	if args then
		local issues = ''
		local categories = ''
		--Add each issue to the bullet list of issues. Theoretically infinite
		for k, v in pairs(args) do
			--[[ updatecontent is handled slightly differently so we don't want 
				it adding to the list ]]
			local current = switch[v]
			if k ~= 'updatecontent' and current then
				--Check if the item in the switch is a string or a table
				if type(current) == 'table' then
					-- Table route
					issues = issues .. '\n*' .. frame:preprocess(current.text)
					if current.category then
						--Go into SpecialCategorizer directly
						categories = categories .. sc._main(frame:preprocess('[[Category:' 
							.. current.category .. ']]'))
					--Fallback to original process
					issues = issues .. '\n*' .. frame:preprocess(switch[v])
					--Add additional text for update if updatecontent parameter exists
					if v == 'update' and args['updatecontent'] then
						issues = issues .. updateContent(args['updatecontent'])
						updateFlag = true
		if not updateFlag and args['updatecontent'] then
			issues = issues .. '\n*' .. frame:preprocess(switch['update']) 
			.. updateContent(args['updatecontent'])
		--[[ Add a new line after the last bullet, if removed the last list
			element will have a larger bullet than previous elements
		issues = issues .. '\n' 
		-- Styles applied to outer div
		local inlineStyles = {
			['background'] = '#E8E7ED',
			['color'] = '#000',
			['border-radius'] = '10px'
		--attributes for <table> 
		local padding = {
			['cellspacing'] = '0',
			['cellpadding'] = '0'
		--Builds notice's html structure and insert text/style elements
		local container = mw.html.create('div')
		return container
	return ''

return p