


Mocoa was a brown, foamy beverage that could be served iced. Iced mocoa provided a jolt of energy to the consumer and was generally served in the morning. In 3 BBY, Princess Leia Organa and her Apprentice Legislature pathfinding class drank mocoa in their chalet on the planet Alderaan. In 19 ABY, the pilot Poe Dameron was served iced mocoa while in a cantina on the planet Kijimi.


Mocoa was a brown beverage[2] topped with foamy cream that could be served in mugs. It was potable by humans[1] and could be served over ice. Iced mocoa was generally consumed early in the day and provided a jolt of energy to the drinker.[2]



Leia Organa's pathfinding class drinking mocoa

In 3 BBY,[3] the Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa and her group of the Apprentice Legislature pathfinding class undertook a hike in the mountains of the Core Worlds planet Alderaan. When they returned to their chalet, Organa and her friends were given oversized mugs of mocoa. Months later, Organa reflected on the happiness she felt concerning her memories with her colleague and friend Kier Domadi, including when he had brought her a cup of mocoa.[1]

One week after the pilot Poe Dameron deserted the Spice Runners of Kijimi gang[2] in 19 ABY,[4] he visited a cantina on[2] the Mid Rim[5] planet Kijimi. At the cantina's bar, a bartender served him an iced mocoa. Dameron was grateful that the establishment's loud and boisterous patrons were drunk enough that they would not notice him consuming a beverage usually meant for first light, considering that he would need the energy from it for the night ahead.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Mocoa first appeared in Leia, Princess of Alderaan, a 2017 young-adult novel written by Claudia Gray that was released as part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi publishing program.[1] The beverage was first pictured in Leia Organa: Ordeal of the Princess, the 2019 Japanese webcomic adaptation of the novel pencilled by Haruichi and released by the Line Corporation.[6]


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