


"I wish there were time for mijura."
―Soran Keize, to Yrica Quell, in the final moments of his life[2]

Mijura was a steaming alcoholic sludge potable to humans and some aliens. Notably served in a bowl, drinking mijura was part of the culture on the Outer Rim planet Vernid.[1] In 4 ABY,[3] the Imperial desertor Soran Keize found work in the dig-rigs on Vernid and grew accustomed to having mijura with his crew at a cantina after the evening shift, with the bowl of sludge being passed around their group.[1]

One night, after seeing news of a New Republic victory over his former unit at the planet Pandem Nai, Keize began criticizing the New Republic in a drunken outburst, leading his crewmate Nanchia to conclude he had drank too much mijura.[1] Shortly before he died on the planet Coruscant[2] in 5 ABY,[4] Keize told the New Republic pilot Yrica Quell that he wished he had time to drink mijura.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Mijura first appeared in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, the first volume of Alexander Freed's Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy.[1]


Notes and references[]

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