


Meastrinnar was an Inner Rim planet. During the Galactic Civil War, it rebelled against the Galactic Empire, leading to an Imperial pacification campaign in the city Vondrel. The Empire eventually discovered a Rebel Alliance intelligence cell in Vondrel's sister city Vondrol; however, due to a communications error, a stormtrooper unit under the command of Vin Northal stormed a building in Vondrel instead.

After Northal's troopers had killed dozens of supposed Rebels, the officer belatedly realized that they were, in fact, in an orphanage and that their victims had been sleeping children. Although the Empire subsequently covered up the true nature of the massacre, the conflicted Northal himself eventually defected to the Alliance. Years later, Meastrinnar was a part of the New Republic.


Meastrinnar was a terrestrial planet[2] located in the Meastrinnar system, a part of the Northern Dependencies portion of the Inner Rim. It was situated on the hyperlane known as the Namadii Corridor, which connected it to the Aphran and Voltare systems.[1]



Vin Northal led an assault on Meastrinnar that saw the deaths of dozens of innocent children.

At some point during the Galactic Civil War, by the time that shortly followed the Battle of Yavin, Meastrinnar was rebelling against the reign of the Galactic Empire. An Imperial pacification campaign was waged in the planet's city of Vondrel, with a stormtrooper detachment under the command of Emperor's Royal Guardsman Vin Northal participating in the operations. The Empire eventually discovered the presence of a Rebel Alliance intelligence cell in Vondrel's sister city Vondrol,[2] and the Imperial Security Bureau[4] sent a transmission to Northal's unit ordering it to eliminate the cell.[2]

However, the transmission was decoded incorrectly and the settlement names were switched. Consequently, under the cover of darkness, Northal led the detachment in storming a building thought to harbor the Rebel presence—in reality an orphanage—and shooting any lifeforms the Imperials encountered in it. A few seconds later, however, the officer realized the unit's mistake and that his troopers had killed dozens of children in their sleep.[2]

Northal ordered an immediate withdrawal from the site. His superiors considered the operation to have been a success, and, rather than acknowledge a grave mistake on the Empire's part, Meastrinnar's media networks labeled the event a great "military victory." Northal himself, shaken by the experience on the planet as well as the realizing of the true nature of other Imperial operations, soon decided to defect to the Alliance.[2] Between 12 ABY and 13 ABY, Meastrinnar was a part of the Empire's successor galactic government, the New Republic.[3]


Meastrinnar had two sister cities, Vondrel and Vondrol, with the former being the site of an orphanage.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Meastrinnar was created by David R. Tulo, Jr. and was introduced in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a 1994 West End Games sourcebook published for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[2] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Meastrinnar system, and therefore the planet itself, in grid square K-8.[1]


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 The Essential Atlas — Based on corresponding data for Meastrinnar system
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 Cracken's Rebel Operatives
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Essential Guide to Warfare — Based on corresponding data for Meastrinnar system
  4. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. II, p. 96 ("Imperial Security Bureau (ISB)")
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