

For other uses, see Massassi (disambiguation).

Massassi-blossom tea was a type of tea that could be brewed from the blossoms of the Massassi trees of the Outer Rim Territories moon Yavin 4. The beverage had the effect of reducing fever in a sick or wounded individual. At one point between 0 ABY and 3 ABY, Doctor Pippa Rosheed, the leader of the Fernandin Scouting Expedition's biologist team, thought of using Massassi-blossom tea in order to manufacture a cure against a plague that had broken out on the moon Yavin 13, and her team eventually managed to successfully do so at a laboratory aboard the Yavin system's Imperial Salvage Station.


Massassi-blossom tea,[2] or Massassi blossom tea, was a beverage that could be brewed from the blossoms of the Massassi trees, which grew on the jungle moon Yavin 4, a part of the Yavin system[1] in the Outer Rim Territories' Gordian Reach sector.[3] The blossoms used in the preparation process were found at the trees' branch junctures that received direct sunlight. The tea reduced fever, having an application value on a sick or wounded individual comparable to that of a medpac. The Massassi tree blossoms could also be gathered and preserved for later use.[1]


At one point between 0 ABY and 3 ABY,[4] the scouts of the Fernandin Scouting Expedition unwittingly brought a disease onto the Yavin system's moon Yavin 13 that endangered its native sentient species, the Gerbs and the Slith, and, after undergoing a mutation, also Humans.[1]

Pippa Rosheed

Doctor Pippa Rosheed thought of using Massassi-blossom tea to manufacture a cure against a plague on Yavin 13.

A team of Rebel Alliance agents that was sent around that time to pick up a group of undercover Rebel negotiators on Yavin 13 was prevented from doing so by the moon being quarantined. Instead, the agents sought out the Fernandin Scouting Expedition's biologist team led by Doctor Pippa Rosheed. After the team made contact with the biologists on Yavin 4, Rosheed grudgingly admitted having a theory that a cure to the disease could be made through the use of Massassi-blossom tea, though she needed sophisticated scientific equipment in order to test and determine the correct amounts needed. Ultimately, the Rebel team sneaked the scientists aboard the Yavin system's Imperial Salvage Station of the Galactic Empire, where they accessed a laboratory and successfully manufactured a cure.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Massassi-blossom tea was introduced in Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin, a 1989 sourcebook published by West End Games for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The book includes an outline for a roleplaying adventure that involves the beverage, and this article assumes the scenario plays out as described.[2] In one instance, Jonatha Ariadne Caspian's 1995 Second Edition of Galaxy Guide 2 also erroneously spells the name of the tea as "massassi-blossom trea."[1]


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Notes and references[]
