


This article is non-canon.

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"Please tell me you came to deal with that crazy mouse droid? I don't know what I did, but it suddenly went berserk and started... bumping into things! Laugh all you want, but it really hurts when it catches your shin!"
―A Mustafarian victim of "Mad Lad Mouse Droid"[2]

"Mad Lad Mouse Droid" was a faulty MSE-6 series repair droid[2] manufactured by Rebaxan Columni[1] which measured 0.25 meters high.[4] The Jawa Jot, who lived in a Jawa village in the Jundland Wastes, salvaged it and then sold it to a Mustafarian miner before it was fully repaired. The miner offered a higher price for a rush job, and although Jot complied with the request in order to get more money, Jot felt ashamed after hearing of how dangerous its faulty behavior was. It was used at the Klegger Corp Mining Facility on the planet Mustafar until it began to malfunction, injuring multiple miners by running into them. The miners were unable to capture it because of its high speed.[2]

This section of the article assumes 100% game completion of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Any alternate stories may be noted in the "Behind the scenes" section. The events in this section may or may not have been confirmed as canon.

Jot asked an individual, who was already known for hunting down faulty droids sold by Jawas, to capture the rogue mouse droid. The individual traveled to Mustafar and found the droid in the Klegger Corp Mining Facility, where it used its ability to go very fast to evade capture. The individual eventually caught it and returned it to Jot, who was pleased the individual had not completely destroyed it.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

"Mad Lad Mouse Droid" appeared in the non-canon video game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, which was released in 2022. It featured in the side quest "Rodent Retrieval," the completion of which enabled the player to play as a mouse droid. It was designated "Mad Lad Mouse Droid" in its boss battle title.[2]


Notes and references[]
