


The following is a list of magazines issues which included unlicensed Star Wars material. In some cases they were expressly not licensed and in others their canonicity is undetermined. Articles based wholly on one of these sources should be marked with the {{Unlicensed}} tag.

Articles with sections based on ambiguously canon sources should have those sections denoted with {{unlicensedstart}} and {{unlicensedend}}.

AdvUn Adventures Unlimited[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Adventures Unlimited 2 Forbidden Fruit Nigel D. Findley Gavin Lonergan Summer 1995

Avalon (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Avalon 1 Providence Jean-Michel Ringuet Jean-Marc Emy December 1990
Avalon 2 La Veuve Noire Franck Vidal Jean-Marc Emy February 1991

BackstabLogo Backstab (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Backstab 1 Pile je gagne, face tu perds Jean-Pierre Pécau Greg Cervall January/February 1997
Backstab 7 Un problème de boulons... Philippe Tessier Greg Cervall and Thibaud Béghin January 1998
Backstab 11 Droïd Connexion Timbre Poste Emmanuel Milachak and Frank Poterlot September/October 1998
Backstab 27 Le Projet T-65 Olivier Collin and Vicking Fred Aleksi Briclot and Bertrand Bès February 2001
Backstab 28 La Révolte d'Acier: Épisode 1 - Le Vaisseau Fantôme Olivier Collin and Cyril Pasteau Damien Vanderstraeten March 2001
Backstab 28 Les Felags Cyril Pasteau Bertrand Bès March 2001
Backstab 29 La Révolte d'Acier: Épisode 2 - Soft(ware) parade Cyril Pasteau and Olivier Collin Bertrand Bès and Damien Vanderstraeten April 2001
Backstab 30 La Révolte d'Acier: Épisode 3 - À la recherche du Temple Maudit Oliver Collin and Cyril Pasteau Damien Vanderstraeten May 2001
Backstab 33 Étoiles, gardez-vous !... des jeunes gens idéalistes qui aiment trop le sport Cyril Pasteau Laurent Miny September 2001

CasusBelliLogo Casus Belli (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Casus Belli 44 Star Wars: Le jeu de rôle de la Guerre des Étoiles Croc and Annabella Belli March 1988
Casus Belli 44 L'écume de l'espace Jean Balczesak Olivier Vatine and Stéphane Truffert March 1988
Casus Belli 44 Chasseur Lourd Sol/Espace "Starcrasher" Mod. STC 003 March 1988
Casus Belli 48 Les Éclaireurs de l'Alliance : La quête infinie Jean Balczesak Franz Auberlet and Didier Guiserix December 1988
Casus Belli 52 L'étreinte de la pieuvre Jean Balczesak Pierre-Olivier Vincent July 1989
Casus Belli 60 Sélima Kim: une base pirate Pierre Zaplotny Fred Blanchard November 1990
Casus Belli 62 Hold-up galactique Jean Balczesak Guillaume Sorel and DGx March 1991
Casus Belli 66 Dans la nuit des temps Jean Balczesak Olivier Vatine November 1991
Casus Belli 66 Le Dieu mort Jean Balczesak Olivier Vatine November 1991
Casus Belli 66 Le Trésor oublié Jean Balczesak Olivier Vatine November 1991
Casus Belli 67 Mercenaire stellaire Jean Balczesak Fred Blanchard January 1992
Casus Belli 67 Les Rats de Dwitzel Jean Balczesak Fred Blanchard January 1992
Casus Belli 70 Les Couteaux lumineux Michael Moret Rolland Barthélémy and Cyrille Daujean July 1992
Casus Belli HS6 Le faucon mandalais Jean Balczesak Var Anda February 1993
Casus Belli 76 La légende des cristaux Christophe Debien and Patrick Bousquet Igor Chevalier and Cyrille Daujean July 1993
Casus Belli 79 Outremondes: Aux frontières de la galaxie Patrick Bousquet and Christophe Debien Thierry Ségur and Thibault de la Touane February/March 1994
Casus Belli 80 Les hordes impériales Christophe Debien Rolland Barthélémy and Cyrille Daujean April 1994
Casus Belli HS12 Plus froid que l'espace Jean Balczesak Servain and Cyrille Daujean July 1994
Casus Belli HS12 Les détectives de la Guerre des Étoiles Jean Balczesak July 1994
Casus Belli 83 La loi de l'Entropy Christophe Debien and Patrick Bousquet Bernard Bittler and Patrick Bousquet October 1994
Casus Belli 84 Un verre, ça va; deux, bonjour les Jawas! Patrick Bousquet and Christophe Debien Thierry Ségur December 1994
Casus Belli 86 Trahison héroïque Fabrice Colin, Olivier Vignes and Philippe Morineau Igor Chevalier and Cyrille Daujean April 1995
Casus Belli 88 Ze Beast of 1995 Volume I Christophe Debien and Patrick Bousquet Patrick Pion, Laurent Chatelain, Alain Gotnich and Christophe Madura August 1995
Casus Belli 89 La Nouvelle République : Une autre époque pour Star Wars Jean Balczesak October 1995
Casus Belli 89 Arrière-plan étoilé Philippe Rat and Jean Balczesak Fred Blanchard October 1995
Casus Belli 89 "Statue" quo à Sluis Van Philippe Rat and Jean Balczesak Rolland Barthélémy October 1995
Casus Belli 90 Dark Sides Patrick Bousquet and Christophe Debien Eric Puech December 1995
Casus Belli 94 Grand Moff, droïd assassin & vieux cristaux Laurent Guinoiseau Eric Puech and Cyrille Daujean May 1996
Casus Belli 95 Cantina pour trois, y en a pour quatre ! Patrick Bousquet and Christophe Debien Thierry Ségur June 1996
Casus Belli 96 Projet Poing d'acier Philippe Rat Eric Puech July 1996
Casus Belli 99 Galactic Born Killer! Patrick Bousquet November 1996
Casus Belli 99 La somme de toutes les peurs Patrick Bousquet and Christophe Debien Franck Dion November 1996
Casus Belli 101 Mémo du joueur de Star Wars January 1997
Casus Belli 103 Prélude à un nouvel espoir Philippe Rat and Laurent Cachia Fred Blanchard and Cyrille Daujean March 1997
Casus Belli 106 L'après Endor, background de transition Philippe Rat David Cochard June 1997
Casus Belli 107 Les anges de Charlie Philippe Rat Bernard Bittler and Cyrille Daujean July 1997
Casus Belli 109 "Elle" Philippe Rat Emmanuel Roudier October 1997
Casus Belli 111 Du Bleu pour vos idées noires Emmanuel Derosier Eric Puech and Cyrille Daujean December 1997
Casus Belli HS20 Ronde enfantine Serge Olivier and Frédéric Vinzent Emmanuel Roudier and Didier Guiserix March 1998
Casus Belli 115 Jouer au temps de l'Ancienne République Philippe Rat and Julien Métifeux Stéphane Levallois August/September 1998
Casus Belli 115 Le facteur X Philippe Rat and Mehdi Sahmi Stéphane Levallois and Cyrille Daujean August/September 1998
Casus Belli HS24 Il faut sauver Miss Pickalho Philippe Rat David Cochard and Cyrille Daujean March 1999
Casus Belli 122 Le guide de La menace fantôme Philippe Rat and Julien Métifeux Rolland Barthélémy October/November 1999
Casus Belli Volume 2 Issue 6 L'orphelin des astres February/March 2001
Casus Belli Volume 2 Issue 14 De l'autre côté de la Force June/July 2002
Casus Belli Volume 4 Issue 22 Les Ombres de Silure Fabien Fernandez May/June 2017
Casus Belli Volume 4 Issue 26 Les Sharptroopers Romain d'Huissier David Chapoulet June/July 2018
Casus Belli Volume 4 Issue 30 Opération soleil rouge Florent Martin July/August 2019
Casus Belli Volume 4 Issue 35 Opération diva en danger (épisode I) Florent Martin November/December 2020
Casus Belli Volume 4 Issue 36 Opération diva en danger (épisode II) Florent Martin February/March 2021

ChallengeLogo Challenge[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Challenge 32 Alone Against the Empire Lester W. Smith Tom Peters 1988
Challenge 35 Team Recovery James B. King Timothy Bradstreet and James B. King 1988
Challenge 35 The H-Wing Strike Fighter James B. King Rick Harris and James B. King 1988
Challenge 37 Wookiees Amok Timothy M. Ryan Rick Lowry 1989
Challenge 38 Starfighters Down William W. Connors Rick Harris June/July 1989
Challenge 40 Blaster Weapons of the Rebel Alliance James B. King October/November 1989
Challenge 41 Paid in Full Lester W. Smith Rick Harris December 1989/January 1990
Challenge 43 On the Dark Side Marcus L. Rowland April/May 1990
Challenge 43 The Nuns of G'aav'aar'oon Marcus L. Rowland April/May 1990
Challenge 44 Jet Packs Stephen A. Marinaccio June/July 1990
Challenge 46 Imperial Research Station 13 Lester W. Smith October/November 1990
Challenge 47 The Rebel Air Force: Combat Airspeeders Whitney Weston Kirk Wescom December 1990/January 1991
Challenge 49 Dandrian's Ring Chris Hind March/April 1991
Challenge 56 Power Suits! New Skills and Combat Rules Paul Sudlow Allen Nunis January 1992
Challenge 57 Green Squad 3 Stephen A. Marinaccio Al Williamson February 1992
Challenge 58 Battle for Mandalore Chris Hind Allen Nunis March 1992
Challenge 60 Character Templates Chris Hind Steve Bryant May 1992
Challenge 61 Rogue Metal James B. King Kirk Wescom June 1992
Challenge 62 Encumbrance: An Optional Rules Supplement Michael Schiavetta Rick Harris July 1992
Challenge 63 Talents: An Optional Rules Supplement Michael Schiavetta August 1992
Challenge 64 Limping Lady Peter M. Schweighofer Allen Nunis September 1992
Challenge 65 Shadow of the Dark Side James B. King October 1992
Challenge 66 Disturbance in the Force Chris Hind Paul Daly November 1992
Challenge 67 Buried Treasure Greg Videll Allen Nunis December 1992
Challenge 68 Parts is Parts Wallace D. Greer Allen Nunis January 1993
Challenge 70 Bantha Cannon Chris Hind Dan Smif March 1993
Challenge 72 Ananuru Express Alison Brooks Bradley K. McDevitt May 1993
Challenge 73 New Character Templates: A Supplement to Star Wars' Mos Eisley Galaxy Guide Martin Wixted June 1993
Challenge 74 Holonet Waystation Martin Wixted Douglas Shuler and Bradley K. McDevitt July 1993
Challenge 76 Death by Triflexia Peter M. Schweighofer Cline Siegenthaler 1995
Challenge 77 Pandora's Box Peter Rausch Tim Holtrop 1995

Chroniques d'Outre Monde (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Chroniques d'Outre Monde 11 Pour une autre guerre... Zoltan Wardewicz Yves Corringer 1988
Chroniques d'Outre Monde 15 Prélude... Pierre Zaplotny Zamal January 1989


Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Concepts 3 Operation Norcomm 1a9

DescartesLogo Descartes: Le Supplément (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Descartes: Le Supplément 1 Mission : Apocalypse Jean Balczesak Bernard Alunni February 1992
Descartes: Le Supplément 1 Quand je dis Jedi, je dis Jedi... Jean-Marc Toussaint February 1992
Descartes: Le Supplément 1 Le crime dans Star Wars Pierre Zaplotny Bernard Alunni February 1992
Descartes: Le Supplément 3 Pas de vacances pour les Rebelles Tristan Lhomme Adrien Boettger-Magnier November 1992
Descartes: Le Supplément 3 Planètes interdites Jean Balczesak Adrien Boettger-Magnier November 1992
Descartes: Le Supplément 4 Le vaisseau fantôme Denis Beck May 1993
Descartes: Le Supplément 6 Le nouveau visage de la galaxie Jean Balczesak March 1994
Descartes: Le Supplément 7 Pirates ! Philippe Rat and Philippe Morineau July 1994
Descartes: Le Supplément 7 Les Barons d'Acier: trois capitaines pirates François Kervinel July 1994
Descartes: Le Supplément 9 La guerre des loups Denis Beck April 1995

Dosdediez (Spanish)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Dosdediez 4 Infiltrado Darío Pérez Jaime Fabregat May/June 1994

DragonLogo Dragon[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Dragon Magazine 157 For the Greater Good Carl Sargent May 1990
Dragon Magazine 200 The Galaxy Dragon and crew Bill Slavicsek Mike Vilardi December 1993

Dragon Radieux (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Dragon Radieux 14 Commando des sables March 1988
Dragon Radieux 17 L'Arche d'Alliance Olivier Némoz Benoît Dufour September 1988
Dragon Radieux HS3 La Bataille de Tannahäuser Olivier Némoz December 1989

GameTrade Game Trade Magazine[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Game Trade Magazine 10 The Nova Crystal Bill Slavicsek November 2000


Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Gamesman 4 Operation Norcomm or Asta la Vista Baby Tom Hutchinson Staz Johnson 1991

GamesMaster International[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
GamesMaster International 7 The Tor-Ohnahmi Mark Roberts Oliver Frey February 1991

Graal Graal (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Graal 7 Cargaison Dangereuse Christophe Sénéchal Grabuge June 1988
Graal 13 Le Traître Poly Styrène January 1989
Graal 14 Les Aigles de Kadar IV Bernard Lebelle and Jean-Christophe Bellanger Grabuge February 1989
Graal 17 Rôdeurs des Étoiles Olivier Frot Olivier Massebeuf June 1989
Graal 17 Trafic sur Dehan IV Olivier Frot June 1989
Graal 19 Le groupe Chrémès Haufe, le vilain petit Ewok Olivier Frot September 1989
Graal 23 dossier BXLH: Les mutants dans Star Wars Haufe, le vilain petit Ewok January 1990
Graal 23 Tanith: the Guest-Star Wars Haufe, le vilain petit Ewok January 1990
Graal HS 4 Où et Quand? Pierre Bruno, Olivier Frot and H D L Philippe Jouan April 1990
Graal HS 4 Les créatures de Tschai Vincent Lemoing and H D L Philippe Jouan April 1990
Graal HS 4 Les peuples de Tschai F D L April 1990
Graal HS 4 Dans les griffes des Dirdirs F D L Philippe Jouan April 1990
Graal HS 4 Scandales dans un palais YAO Etienne Fourreau Philippe Jouan April 1990
Graal HS 4 L'ombre du Phung Jean-Charles Vidal Philippe Jouan April 1990
Graal HS 4 La fièvre des Carabas Jean-Charles Vidal Philippe Jouan April 1990
Graal HS 4 Go home Pierre Bruno Philippe Jouan April 1990
Graal 25 Les démons de feu Murphy Valo May 1990

InQuest Gamer[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
InQuest 23 The InQuest World Guide to Tatooine Paul Sudlow March 1997
InQuest 26 The InQuest World Guide to Bespin Paul Sudlow June 1997
InQuest 33 Basic Training Jon Leitheusser January 1998
InQuest 39 Mirror, Mirror Michael Mikaelian and Jason Robinette July 1998
InQuest Gamer 43 The Sith Element Michael Mikaelian and George R. Strayton Steve Stone November 1998
InQuest Gamer 50 Star Wars Episode VII: Rise of the New Republic Bill Smith June 1999
InQuest Gamer 50 Basic Training John Kaufeld June 1999
InQuest Gamer 52 Star Warriors Paul Sudlow August 1999
InQuest Gamer 52 Basic Training Jeff Hannes August 1999
InQuest Gamer 70 Basic Training Dan Joyce February 2001
InQuest Gamer 144 Star Wars Minis Sterling Hershey April 2007
InQuest Gamer 145 Star Wars Minis Sterling Hershey May 2007

Jeu de rôle Magazine (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Jeu de rôle Magazine 29 Une Petite Mousse ? Fabien Fernandez March 2015
Jeu de rôle Magazine 32 Au bord du gouffre December 2015
Jeu de rôle Magazine 38 Xenoria June 2017
Jeu de rôle Magazine 38 Diplomate en détresse June 2017
Jeu de rôle Magazine 40 Blizzard mortel Fabien Fernandez December 2017
Jeu de rôle Magazine 42 L'Héritage de l'Empire June 2018
Jeu de rôle Magazine 46 Dark Side of the Moon June 2019
Jeu de rôle Magazine 49 Takodana March 2020
Jeu de rôle Magazine 49 Jamyn électrique March 2020
Jeu de rôle Magazine 59 Entrailles September 2022

DescartesLogo Jeux Descartes Plus (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Jeux Descartes Plus 3 Comment faire pour que la Force soit vraiment avec vous François Kervinel 1988
Jeux Descartes Plus 3 Astrographie pratique Jean Balczesak 1988
Jeux Descartes Plus 3 Check-list du combattant de l'espace José Cuaro 1988
Jeux Descartes Plus 4 Aux Services Secrets de la Galaxie François Kervinel 1989
Jeux Descartes Plus 5 Rencontres Stellaires Fabrice Aufort and Jean Balczesak 1990
Jeux Descartes Plus 5 Aobys : Monde d'aventures Pierre Zaplotny 1990
Jeux Descartes Plus 6 Les Aléas d'une Traduction Jean Balczesak 1990
Jeux Descartes Plus 6 Errare Galacticum Est Bruno Martin 1990

Le Triche-Lumière (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Le Triche-Lumière 1 La relique February 1991


Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Maelstrom 3 Gladiator System
Maelstrom 5 Inside the Imperial Armory Andrew Hind

Masters of Role Playing[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Masters of Role Playing 8 Light Saber Fighting Techniques Criss Rosenlof 1999

Morningstar Rising[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Morningstar Rising 1 Imperial Guardian Light Cruiser
Morningstar Rising 2 Agus Pitcairin
Morningstar Rising 2 Rebel Alliance Intelligence Scout
Morningstar Rising 6 Mines of Tylin

NorthCoast RolePlaying[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
NorthCoast RolePlaying 5 Death of a Hero Barry Osser Summer 1988
NorthCoast RolePlaying 8 Imperial Submarine Assault Stormtroopers Ian Herriot Ian Herriot April 1989

PolyhedronLogo Polyhedron[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Polyhedron 59 The New Rogues Gallery: Unsung Heroes of the Rebellion Joe Littrell May 1991
Polyhedron 63 The Living Galaxy: Flawed Gems Shine The Brightest Roger E. Moore Andrew Ellis September 1991
Polyhedron 68 Iron Hands, Captive Hearts Joe Littrell February 1992
Polyhedron 83 Milk Run Sterling Hershey May 1993
Polyhedron 86 The New Republic Campaign: Preparing to Move Beyond the Movies Bill Slavicsek August 1993
Polyhedron 86 Gadgets Galore: A Bevy of Useful Items for Science Fiction Games Eric Lazarian August 1993
Polyhedron 90 The New Republic Campaign: The Battle for Endor from the PCs' Perspective Bill Slavicsek December 1993
Polyhedron 93 Crystal Web Space Station: A Setting for the Star Wars: New Republic Campain Bill Slavicsek and Michele Carter Brian J. Blume March 1994
Polyhedron 94 The Luminous Bantha: Adventures for the Star Wars: New Republic Campaign Bill Slavicsek and Michele Carter April 1994
Polyhedron 97 Adversaries: Characters for the Star Wars: New Republic Campaign Bill Slavicsek July 1994
Polyhedron 99 Lightsabers: And the Force in the Star Wars New Republic Bill Slavicsek and Michele Carter September 1994
Polyhedron 100 The Tyaonon Ranger: A Fast Ship for Star Wars Campaigns Bill Smith October 1994
Polyhedron 103 Prophets of the Dark Side: Villains for the Star Wars: New Republic Campaign, Part One Bill Slavicsek and Michele Carter Robert Gee January 1995
Polyhedron 104 Dangers from the Dark Side: Villains for the Star Wars: New Republic Campaign, Part Two Bill Slavicsek and Michele Carter February 1995
Polyhedron 108 What's so Bad About the Dark Side? The Ethical Dilemma of Force-Users Lester W. Smith Robert Gee June 1995
Polyhedron 126 Vignette Characters & Scenes for Star Wars: Live Action Adventures Paul Sudlow October 1997
Polyhedron 128 It's Technical, Billy: Personal Universal Translator Paul Gosselin February 1998
Polyhedron 145 Living Force Character Creation Rules Adi Granov December 2000/January 2001

Quest (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Quest 5 Jumeaux dangereux à capturer May/June 1990

Role Mag' (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Role Mag' 1 Kardayon 3 July/August 1990

RolePlayer Independent[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
RolePlayer Independent 2 As Cold as Charity Jim Webster Ralph Horsley January 1993
RolePlayer Independent 8 The Felin Jon Crane July 1993

Rosa Negra (Spanish)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Rosa Negra 1 El Caballero Narghai Alejandro Fernández Summer 1993
Rosa Negra 1 El Espíritu del Jedi Alejandro Fresno Alejandro Fresno Summer 1993

Scène à Rio (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Scène à Rio 2 Les Aigles prennent leur envol 1993
Scène à Rio 2 L'Académie navale impériale 1993


Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Scrye 95 Attack on Endor: Get the walker! Sterling Hershey May 2006

ShadisLogo Shadis[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Shadis 14 Strange Bedfellows John Zinser James B. King, Victor Navone and Ken E. Cox July/August 1994
Shadis 18.5 The Spark Before the Flame Sean Patrick Fannon Matt Wilson and Richard E. Emond April 1995
Shadis 27 Corellian Smuggler Dan Verssen May 1996
Shadis 28 Slaver's Chains James Macduff Allen Nunis September 1996
Shadis 42 "Well, When I Blew Up the Death Star...": 3 Alternative Campaigns Steven Marsh Steve Bryant November 1997

Sir Roger (Spanish)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Sir Roger 1 Y tú, ¿Qué quieres ser de mayor? Sonia Carreras Sonia Carreras November 1993
Sir Roger 4 Injusticia Francisco Calvete March 1994
Sir Roger 5 Cuando se duda, cuando se teme Francisco Calvette Javier Escudero April 1994

Sombre Hérault (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Sombre Hérault 2 Les Prophètes de l'Apocalypse February/March 1992

SpaceGamerCite Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer 83 Keeping the Force with your Campaign David T. Okamura October/November 1988
Space Gamer Volume II Number 1 Death of a Hero Barry Osser July/August 1989
Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer 88 Peekoine Opera Blues William Herz March/April 1990

Terres de Brumes (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Terres de Brumes 5 May 1997

Troll (Spanish)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Troll 14 Cómo manejar las Tropas Imperiales Jaime Molina November/December 1988
Troll 14 La Caída del Imperio Agasami Ernesto Urdi Dick Batista November/December 1988

Troll Magazine[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Troll Magazine 2 Centripetal Drive Floyd C. Wesel Christopher J. Cundiff 1998

Valkyrie Valkyrie[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Valkyrie 1 Operation Phoenix Stuart Watkins Pete Knifton September 1994
Valkyrie 14 Scorched Earth Liz Holliday 1997
Valkyrie 19 Flight of the Jedi, Part 1 of 2 Phil Sidebotham Ralph Horsley Spring 2000
Valkyrie 20 Flight of the Jedi, Part 2 of 2 Phil Sidebotham Ralph Horsley Autumn 2000


Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Vortext 3 Ship of Fools David Ackerman Betty Cunningham Winter 1992
Vortext 9 Shootout at Landing Pad 94 Ted Arlauskas and Chuck Turnitsa Fall 1993

Voyages SF[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Voyages SF 7 The Anatra Dora James B. King James B. King April 1989
Voyages SF 7 Carrier Assignment James B. King James B. King April 1989
Voyages SF 7 Modified Space Combat James B. King April 1989
Voyages SF 8 Rebel Justice James B. King Phil Morrissey July 1989
Voyages SF 8 Star Maps Glen Allison July 1989
Voyages SF 9 A World in Revolt James B. King James B. King October 1989
Voyages SF 10 S400 Police Vest James B. King James B. King January 1990
Voyages SF 11 A Day at the Auction James B. King James B. King and Phil Morrissey April 1990
Voyages SF 12 Hide and Go Seek Glen Allison Richard Tomasic October 1990
Voyages SF 12 A Guide to Blaster Weapons James B. King James B. King October 1990
Voyages SF 13 Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are Glen Allison James B. King October 1990
Voyages SF 14 Gunsmiths in Star Wars James B. King James B. King January 1991
Voyages SF 14 Effects of Wounds in Star Wars James B. King James B. King January 1991
Voyages SF 17 Mr. Badspanner Craig Sheeley James B. King October 1992
Voyages SF 17 Imperial Scooter Bike Eric Kristiansen Eric Kristiansen October 1992

White Wolf Magazine[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
White Wolf Magazine 15 Let the Dice Decide Sean Stevenson April/May 1989
White Wolf Inphobia 53 Wanted by Cracken..Update Timothy D. Jacques Mike Chaney March 1995

Wizard: The Comics Magazine[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Wizard: The Comics Magazine 110 Rap Sheet: Darth Maul Peter M. Schweighofer November 2000

Zombi (French)[]

Issue Article Author(s) Illustrator(s) Release date
Zombi 8 Projet MILDRED Christophe Dardennes 1997