


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

Senator Leia Organa owned a keepsake chest that was placed in the Great Hall of Birren by her father Bail Organa, and kept there by Lord Mellowyn, the supreme governor of Birren. It notably contained a tiny doll; a small, soft blanket of fine gillendown; a lock of dark-brown hair[1] that once belonged to Kier Domadi,[2] tied at each end with a ribbon; a ring sized for a tiny ring and a hexagonal mirrored music box with a recording of "Mirrorbright," a traditional Alderaanian lullaby, as well a recording of Bail's voice. In the recording, Bail revealed Leia's parentage — her father being Anakin Skywalker and her mother being Padmé Amidala—and also told her about her history.[1]

In 3 BBY,[3] on the night before the ceremony in which she was formally invested as crown princess of Alderaan, Leia gave the chest to Bail to signify that she had outgrown the need to use the chest.[2] Bail passed the chest on to Mellowyn at some point during the next few years, ensuring its survival of the destruction of Alderaan.[1]

The chest eventually fell into the hands of Carise Sindian, the supreme governor of Birren at the time, who used it to ruin Leia's reputation, as they were in different political parties. Therefore, Sindian had broken an oath she had made, which eventually backfired on her when Leia had the ruling council of the Elder Houses strip Sindian of all her noble titles.[1]

Bail Organa's message[]

Source: BloodlineAttribution: Bail Organa

My beloved daughter. The supreme governor of Birren, whom I trust completely, said that he would keep this here for you when you someday inherit this title. My hope is that this recording contains no new information, that I have had the chance to explain everything to you myself.

However, I make this recording during a time of increasing danger for our Rebellion. I know too well that I may not survive the war that is surely to come. By hiding the information here, on a world of no significance to the Empire, I hope to keep it out of the wrong hands and deliver it into yours. For this is knowledge you-and only you-have the right to posses.

You've never expressed much interest in knowing about your birth parents. So many times, you've told your mother and me we are the only father and mother you've ever needed-and never doubt how much that means to us both. But Leia, the story of your origin is one you must know. You were hidden with us, for your own safety, and for the safety of your brother. Yes, you have a twin brother, though you must not seek him until the war has ended, and both Palpatine and Lord Vader have been defeated.

Obi-Wan Kenobi took your brother for safekeeping and I took you. We hid you both from each other, and from your father, who could not know that any child of his had been born alive. You see, Leia, I always told you the truth about your mother and how she died. But I never told you that she was Padmé Amidala, former queen and senator of the planet Naboo.

Nor could I share that your father was Anakin Skywalker, one of the last Jedi Knights and a great hero of the Clone Wars. But now I must tell you the worst, and you must be strong. I must tell you what became of Anakin Skywalker.

Your father became Darth Vader.

I hope to have told you all this myself. I hope we have enjoyed many more happy years as a family, that we have seen the Empire fall, and that we have gone forth together to find General Kenobi and your brother. If so, this recording can serve only one purpose. You must be listening after my death, so let this be my chance to say once again how much I love you. No other daughter could have brought me more joy.

Please know that my love for you, and your mother's love, endures long past our deaths. We are forever with you, Leia. In your brightest triumphs and your darkest troubles, always know that we are by your side.

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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 Bloodline
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Leia, Princess of Alderaan
  3. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas places Leia Organa's birth in 19 BBY. The events of Leia, Princess of Alderaan commence just after Organa's sixteenth birthday, which places the events of the novel in 3 BBY.