

For other uses, see Kuna and Fist (disambiguation).

The Kuna's Fist system was one of the Kuna systems of the Outer Rim Territories' Moddell sector. It contained the red giant Kuna's Fist as well as several barren planets that were orbiting it.


The Kuna's Fist system was one of the Outer Moddell systems[2] of the Moddell sector,[1] one of the subsectors making up the Inner Zuma Region[2] of the Outer Rim Territories' Zuma sector.[1] It was connected by hyperlanes to the Kuna's Eye, Kuna's Horn, and Kuna's Tail systems.[2]

The system contained the red giant–type star Kuna's Fist, which was orbited by several barren planets.[2] It formed a part of the Kuna constellation, as seen and named by the Ayrou species of the planet Maya Kovel, and was one of the five systems of the constellation that were actually located within the Moddell sector, in relative proximity to each other.[3]


Although the Kuna's Fist and Kuna's Horn systems were sparsely inhabited and rarely visited, over several years, a number of rumors and tales accumulated concerning the worlds located there. One such rumor claimed that the Ayrou had hidden treasure somewhere in the Kuna systems, and despite none of the claims being proven, the two systems offered many potential hiding spots for stubborn fortune seekers to search.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

The Kuna's Fist system was first mentioned in the article "Endor and the Moddell Sector," which was published in the ninth issue of the Star Wars Gamer magazine[3] on February 22, 2002.[4] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed it in grid square H-16.[2]


Notes and references[]

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