


"The Imperial Symphony Orchestra is preparing to embark on its first tour outside the Core Worlds region in 15 years. The ISO has been engaged for the past five years in a special program promoting Imperial High Culture in the Core."
―An Imperial HoloVision announcement[1]

The Imperial Symphony Orchestra, or the ISO, was the premier orchestra of the Galactic Empire. It was comprised of many of the Empire's most talented musicians. From approximately 15 BBY to 0 ABY, the prestigious group performed exclusively in the Core Worlds, as regions like the Mid Rim could not afford to host the orchestra for a variety of reasons. In 0 ABY, about seven months after an Imperial defeat in the Yavin system, the ISO journeyed to the Mid Rim for a series of performances, as firmly established New Order supporters had wiped away all previous impediments.


"Previously, Mid-Rim worlds had been unable or unwilling to submit the substantial sponsorship fees necessary to book the prestigious ISO. Now, with New Order party representatives more securely established in the political fabric of Mid-Rim governments, and with the establishment of all-powerful governorships, many of the ideological and financial obstacles of past decades have been cleared away."
―An Imperial HoloVision announcement[1]
Emperor Sidious

The ISO often performed music in line with the tastes of Emperor Palpatine.

A prestigious musical group, the Imperial Symphony Orchestra performed throughout the galaxy during the early years of the Galactic Empire under Emperor Palpatine.[1] However, in around 15 BBY,[2] the orchestra began playing exclusively in the Core Worlds after Mid Rim worlds could not, or simply refused, to pay the large sponsorship fees that the ISO charged for booking.[1] Starting around 5 BBY,[2] the orchestra participated in a five-year-long program dedicated to promoting the ideals of Imperial High Culture within the Core Worlds.[1] Much of the music performed by the Orchestra were Neoclassical waltzes and marches, as they were favored by Palpatine.[3]

By 0 ABY, about seven months after the Imperial defeat at the Battle of Yavin,[2] situations in the Mid Rim had changed; many Mid Rim worlds had become dominated by pro-New Order regimes or led by strong Imperial governorships. As a result, many obstacles preventing the ISO from touring the region had largely been removed. Via the Imperial HoloVision news outlet, the Imperial Symphony Orchestra announced its first series of performances outside the Core Worlds in fifteen years. The Mid Rim tour was expected to feature many of the Emperor's favorite Neoclassical pieces, including works from the Harbin-re opera, some of Nabicci Futana's waltzes and ganther dances, and marches dating to the Clone Wars of nineteen years earlier.[1] Senator Gaeriel Captison of Bakura enjoyed the soothing melodies of the ISO's work and listened to a recording of the orchestra one morning[4] in 4 ABY.[5]


The Imperial Symphony Orchestra, the premier group of its kind, drew upon the best musicians that the Empire had to offer.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

The Imperial Symphony Orchestra was first mentioned in the 1994 novel The Truce at Bakura, written by Kathy Tyers.[4]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 SWAJsmall "Galaxywide NewsNets" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 5
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 SWAJsmall "Galaxywide NewsNets" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 5 dates the announcement of the ISO's Mid Rim tour to 35:10:16 in the Great ReSynchronization dating system, which corresponds to seven months after the Battle of Yavin or 0 ABY in the Galactic Standard Calendar per the reasoning here. "Galaxywide NewsNets" also establishes the orchestra began playing exclusively in the Core Worlds fifteen years before that time—equating to around 15 BBY—and dates their participation in an Imperial High Culture program five years before the announcement, corresponding to around 5 BBY.
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. II, p. 97 ("Imperial Symphony Orchestra (ISO)")
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Truce at Bakura
  5. The Essential Reader's Companion dates the events of The Truce at Bakura to 4 ABY.