

For other uses, see Ruling Council and Imperial Council.

"Note in the official record that we will be referred to in history as the Imperial Future Council, or the IFC."
―Admiral Rae Sloane[1]

The Imperial Future Council (IFC) was a group of high ranking officials of the Galactic Empire who met on the planet Akiva in aftermath of the Battle of Endor to decide the future of the Galactic Empire. They included financier Arsin Crassus, General Jylia Shale, adviser Yupe Tashu, Grand Moff Valco Pandion, and Admiral Rae Sloane. The members of this council could not come to an agreement on most issues, forcing Sloane, the chairbeing and organizer of the meeting, to often make decisions on her own without the full consensus of the group.


Tashu felt that the remaining Imperial forces should retreat "beyond the veil of stars" to search for the source of the dark side and believed this was the only way to rebuild a stronger, better Empire that would hide in the shadows, and strike the New Republic. The banker Arsin Crassus, was at odds with Tashu and wanted to negotiate a truce with the Republic and establish a formal splinter Empire.[1]

However, when New Republic forces and affiliates discovered the Imperial Future Council, they set about to disrupt it, causing it to fall apart. Part of this involved rallying the citizens of Akiva, who were angry at Imperial control. The Galactic Empire lost control of the planet after the leaders of the IFC were forced to flee. In the space above Akiva, the Imperial fleet was attacked by a New Republic fleet under Commander Kyrsta Agate. Crassus and Pandion were killed while Shale and Tashu were captured by the New Republic. Sloane was the only member of the now defunct IFC to escape, retreating to the Imperial fleet.[1]

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