


HK-47: "Statement: I am fulfilling my primary function, which is to facilitate communication between species and put an end to hostilities. Greeting: Oh, hello, little T3 unit. I am HK-47, protocol and translation droid."
T3-M4: "Dee… deet?"
HK-47: "Answer: Of course I am all right. Why wouldn't I be? I respect all life. All life is connected and should be nurtured."
Meetra Surik: "That does it. That package is coming out of there."
―HK-47, after Meetra Surik installs the HK protocol pacifist package[2]

The HK protocol pacifist package was a module for HK-series assassin droids, created sometime by 3951 BBY. Designed to be downloaded to the assassin droid's behavior core, the device inhibited the droid's assassination routines and forced the killing machine to function as a protocol droid. The module also suppressed the droid's memories of its former self and instilled an interest in education, including the learning of new languages. When installed, the HK protocol pacifist package prevented the droid from creating violence and destruction, instead exhibiting a peaceful, pacifistic personality and expressing care for all living things.


"Musing: I think perhaps I would enjoy learning a new language. Or watching an informative holovid."
"I think I flipped the wrong switch. Or the right one."
―HK-47 and Meetra Surik witness the effects of installing the HK protocol pacifist package[2]

The HK protocol pacifist package was designed for use with the HK-series assassin droid to deactivate the droid's assassination routines and add pacification programming without the droid's knowledge. Designed to be downloaded onto the droid's behavior core, the module could be installed by even the least technologically-savvy being. The package also worked to suppress the droid's memories; when asked to participate in combat or kill another being, the droid expressed shock and dismay at the concept and recalled none of its prior behavior as an assassin.[2]

Now acting as a translator and protocol unit, the droid became interested in teaching itself by means of educational activities—a desire instilled by the package's installation—including learning new languages and watching informative holovids. However, all of the functionality changes were not permanent: The package could be uninstalled, thereby returning an HK-series droid to its former self. The droid would maintain memory of the module's former presence and could maintain some understanding of the motivation for resolving conflicts peacefully, even void of the package's influence.[2]


"Statement: Master, please, I beg you. Never install anything again without checking it in the diagnostics bay first. That was a close one—I almost surrendered completely to peace and pacifism—how repugnant. Conclusion: Still there was a brief moment where I felt like I almost understood why some meatbags choose peace and friendship over a high-powered blaster carbine. Query: Now, are there any other horrors you wish to try and insert in my system, or is your electronic butchery done?"
―HK-47 chastises Meetra Surik for installing the HK protocol pacifist package[2]

The HK protocol pacifist package was created sometime by 3951 BBY.[1] It was designed to restrict the assassination protocols of HK-series assassin droids and effectively turn an affected unit into a pacifistic protocol droid.[2]

This section of the article assumes 100% game completion of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Any alternate stories may be noted in the "Behind the scenes" section. The events in this section may or may not have been confirmed as canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity.

The HK protocol pacifist package could be installed into an HK-series assassin droid, such as HK-47.

During the Dark Wars—a series a conflicts between the remnants of the Sith Empire, the Sith Triumvirate, and fractured Galactic Republic and Jedi forces—in 3951 BBY, an exiled Jedi Knight, the Human female Meetra Surik, assisted Rodian merchant Geeda in the formation of trade routes between the planet Dantooine and Onderon's moon Dxun. As a result, Geeda came into possession of an HK protocol pacifist package, which she stocked in her storefront on the moon Nar Shaddaa. Surik eventually purchased the device at a discounted rate of 204 credits and later downloaded it into the behavior core of one of her companions, the assassin droid HK-47, as part of the Exile's attempts to upgrade the droid during her campaign.[2]

The installed module had an immediate impact on the droid's demeanor. Upon Surik's request to remain vigilant, HK-47 vehemently opposed any violent activity and instead showed a desire to learn. HK-47's completely reversed personality drew concern from Surik and her other companions, including utility droid T3-M4, and Surik removed the HK protocol pacifist package. Restored to his original self, HK-47 expressed disgust at the change forced upon him and requested that any further upgrades be run through a diagnostics bay before their installation. However, the droid begrudgingly admitted that the module had instilled some slight insight to the desire for peaceful resolutions.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The HK protocol pacifist package appeared in the 2004 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. It featured in a brief, optional conversation that rewarded experience to players and a permanent stat boost to HK-47.[2] An update for the Steam version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, released concurrently with the game's Steam release on July 21, 2015, added an achievement concerning the HK protocol pacifist package.[4] The player receives the achievement, called "Short Circuit," after installing the package.[5]



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