

This article is about the in-universe text. You may be looking for the real-world book.

"After several years of painstaking restoration, it is my great privilege, and that of the Graf Archive, to present this never-before-seen collection of art to the galaxy."
Amel Fortoon, Galactic Atlas[2]

Galactic Atlas was a published compilation of hand drawn maps by the famous Ithorian artist Gammit Chond.[1] It was published by the Graf Archive—which was unsure if Chond was the actual artist behind the works and if everything he wrote was historically correct—some time after the Battle of Starkiller Base in 34 ABY.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The Galactic Atlas[1] was released as the real world reference book Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, which is framed as an in-universe text from the Graf Archive.[2] However, the in-universe text was not identified as such until the Database article "The Noble and the Wild," which further confirmed Gammit Chond as the in-universe artist behind the maps.[1] That was only theorized to be the case in the original release.[2]


Notes and references[]
