

Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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The Gakfedd tribe, also called the Gakfedd clan, was a clan of Gamorreans native to Pzob. In 12 ABY, they were captured along with Luke Skywalker, his companions, and their rival clan, the Klaggs, and indoctrinated on board the Imperial battlemoon The Eye of Palpatine. Their indoctrination was almost successful—they learned to speak Basic and were turned into relatively good stormtroopers. They constantly fought the Klaggs, whom they considered Rebels. When they were evacuated from the battlemoon, they refused reorientation and negotiated with Drost Elegin to be taken on as bodyguards.

They assisted Luke Skywalker, Cray Mingla, and Nichos Marr when the three were stranded on the planet.


  • Bullyak - Clan Matron (alpha female)
  • Ugbuz - Clan Warlord (alpha male)
  • Krok - Warlord (junior husband of Bullyak)


