


"What are Frunchies?"
"The Frunchettan-sai. They have a couple of colony worlds in the Outer Rim."
―Jorj Car'das and Maris Ferasi[1]

The Frunchettan-sai, referred to as the Frunchies by the Human trader Dubrak Qennto, were a species that originated in Wild Space and controlled several colony worlds in the Outer Rim Territories. By 27 BBY, an art piece created by a Frunchettan-sai was stored in the treasure room of a plunder starship used by the Vagaari species. The ship was captured that year by Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet, who, during a subsequent inspection of the treasure room in the company of Qennto and his crewmembers, identified the physical characteristics of the Frunchettan-sai artist without being previously familiar with their species.

Biology and appearance[]

"Those, for instance, were probably created by beings with an extra joint between wrist and elbow, who see largely in the blue-ultraviolet part of the spectrum."
―Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, on a piece of Frunchettan-sai art[1]

The Frunchettan-sai were a sentient species that had a joint on their limbs between wrist and elbow. The species' sight was largely centered in the blue and ultraviolet part of the spectrum.[1]

Society and culture[]

"It's signed with formal Frunchy script."
―Dubrak Qennto, on the Frunchettan-sai art piece[1]

The Frunchettan-sai used a formal script that was used on one occasion for markings on a piece of artwork resembling nested tressles.[1]

Frunchettan-sai in the galaxy[]

"I thought you said you hadn't made it to Republic space."
"To the best of my knowledge, we haven't. But the artist's physical characteristics are obvious simply from looking at his work."
―Dubrak Qennto and Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo[1]

The Frunchettan-sai originated in Wild Space's Frunchettan system.[2][3] During the final decades of the existence of the Galactic Republic, the Frunchettan-sai controlled a handful of colony worlds in the Outer Rim Territories.[4] By 27 BBY,[5] the Frunchettan-sai had become a part of Republic space. That year, a piece of Frunchettan-sai art was present in the treasure room of a starship the nomadic Vagaari species used to transport plunder obtained through piracy and slave raids. The ship was captured in the Unknown Regions by Picket Force Two of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet, led by Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, also known as Thrawn.[1]


Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo (pictured) was able to identify the physical characteristics of the author of a Frunchettan-sai art piece.

The Chiss commander subsequently invited a trio of Human traders he had captured earlier and made his guests—the captain Dubrak Qennto and his crewmembers, Maris Ferasi and Jorj Car'das—to inspect the treasure room in order to try and recognize any of the species the Vagaari had come into contact with. Thrawn instructed his companions to concentrate on identifying the origin of any artwork and, as an example demonstration, pointed at a piece of Frunchettan-sai art, proceeding to describe the physical characteristics of the item's creator without being aware of the identity of the artist's species.[1]

Ferasi and Qennto suspected the description matched that of the Frunchettan-sai—whom Qennto referred to as "Frunchies" and the relatively inexperienced Car'das was not familiar with—and the Human captain inspected the artwork closer. Upon confirming that it was indeed of Frunchettan-sai origin, Qennto wondered whether the Chiss, despite prior claims by Thrawn, had in fact established contact with the Republic before, only for the commander to inform him that he had merely utilized deductive reasoning in his characterization of the item's author. None of the Humans, however, were able to identify the visual cues Thrawn had obtained from the Frunchettan-sai artwork.[1] The Frunchettan system lay outside the borders of space controlled by the Republic's eventual successor, the New Republic, in 12 ABY.[6]

Behind the scenes[]

The Frunchettan-sai were first mentioned in the 2006 novel Outbound Flight by Timothy Zahn.[1]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Outbound Flight
  2. 2.0 2.1 StarWars Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
  3. 3.0 3.1 JCF-favicon The Essential Atlas and Galactic Cartography: Official Discussion on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; posted by jasonfry on December 11, 2007 at 7:59 AM; accessed February 2, 2024): "I wouldn't get your hopes up re alien homeworlds, beyond simple stuff like the Planetnamian species getting a Planetnamia on the map or things Dan and I can account for with a relatively quick reference." (backup link) Jason Fry, co-author of The Essential Atlas, stated his intention to create homeworlds for numerous species based on context implied from their names. This article treats the Frunchettan system as the location of one such homeworld with regard to the Frunchettan-sai species.
  4. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 297 ("Frunchettan-sai")
  5. The Essential Reader's Companion dates the events of Outbound Flight to 27 BBY.
  6. The Essential Guide to Warfare
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