


"The lepusa were first discovered on the planet Freliq over two decades ago."
―Holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum of Chandrila[3]

Freliq was an Outer Rim Territories planet located in the Calaron sector. It was home to the lepusa, a type of semi-sentient burrowing rodents who were able to manufacture crude tools. At some point, the farmers who had introduced off-world grain crops on Freliq first encountered the lepusa, whose herbivorous nature and burrowing habits soon made them little more than vermin in the farmers' eyes. The local farm manager Yasil Senerio once had an encounter with a lepusa which saved their daughter, and Senerio recounted the incident to the Imperial Investigation Committee on Lepusan Intelligence.


"It was a big white male, nearly a meter tall. It must have had a burrow entrance somewhere on the hillside."
―Yasil Senerio, from a sworn testimony to the Imperial Investigation Committee on Lepusan Intelligence on a lepusa they at one point encountered[4]

Freliq was a terrestrial planet[3] located in the Freliq system, a part of the Calaron sector[1] in the Slice portion of[2] the Outer Rim Territories.[1] The planet's terrain featured hills, and among the plants that grew there were flowers and a type of subterranean vine[4] as well as off-world grain crops introduced by the local farmers. Freliq's wildlife included grubs and the semi-sentient, herbivorous burrowing[3] rodents[5] known as the lepusa.[3]


Relations with farmers[]

"As natural herbivores that live off roots and grubs, lepusa have found newly introduced off-world grains to be a particular delicacy. Few farmers, however, are willing to share their plantings with their new neighbors."
―Holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum of Chandrila[3]

Farmers on Freliq at some point encountered the local lepusa creatures, and the latter immediately became the center of a planet-wide controversy. The unchecked population growth of the burrowing creatures led to their labyrinthine subterranean tunnels adversely affecting the soil productivity of the farmers' land properties, and approximately twenty years since the first contact, the lepusa migrations began to threaten the local farming operations since the creatures took a liking to the imported off-world grain crops.[3]

Further adding to the controversy on Freliq were later-year studies that reported that the lepusa were capable of using self-created rudimentary tools, with some zoologists of the Galactic Empire claiming that the creatures had a crude social order. The findings were subsequently fiercely contested by the planet's farmers, who feared suffering economic losses if the lepusa became classified as a protected species. Eventually, a temporary injunction was issued that prohibited the farmers from killing the lepusa as pests.[3]

An unexpected help[]

"[…] for me, seeing is believing. I see my little girl here in this courtroom today thanks to a so-called 'dumb animal.' That's all the proof I need."
―Yasil Senerio, from a sworn testimony to the Imperial Investigation Committee on Lepusan Intelligence[4]

At one point, Jullisa, the daughter of the Freliq farm manager Yasil Senerio, visited an abandoned rail track running across Veriss Creek. She eventually found herself dangling from a broken tie of the bridge, with her cries for help attracting her father and Lox, who were both nearby at the time. A lepusa, who Senerio later speculated must have had a burrow located nearby, also arrived at the track and, after seemingly appraising the situation, dug up an underground vine that it then used to pull Jullisa up to safety.[4]

Senerio later recounted the experience on Freliq as part of a sworn testimony to the Imperial Investigation Committee on Lepusan Intelligence.[4] More than two decades following the first discovery of the lepusa, Freliq was also mentioned in an entry of a holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum of[3] the planet[6] Chandrila dedicated to the creatures.[3]


"In fact, many lepusa are killed as vermin by angry planters."
―Holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum of Chandrila[3]

Freliq was home to a population of farmers, many of whom resented the local lepusa creatures feeding upon their grain crops and as a result often killed them as vermin until the act was temporarily outlawed.[3] Among the farmers of Freliq were Lox and Yasil Senerio with the latter's daughter, Jullisa. Senerio, however, had a more positive attitude toward the lepusa.[4]


"I'd warned Jullisa to stay away from the abandoned rail line running across Veriss Creek."
―Yasil Senerio, from a sworn testimony to the Imperial Investigation Committee on Lepusan Intelligence[4]

The North Ridge Sector was a region on Freliq. It included a field located at its north section, and an abandoned rail line crossed Veriss Creek nearby.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

Freliq was first mentioned in the 1994 sourcebook Creatures of the Galaxy,[3] including in the short companion narrative "In The Eye Of The Beholder" that was authored by Rick D. Stuart.[4] The book was published by West End Games for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[3] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Freliq system, and therefore the planet itself, in grid square U-9.[2]



Notes and references[]

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