

Forums > Senate Hall > SH:General bug thread

This thread is for reporting any bugs found on Wookieepedia. In order to let editors/Fandom staff to identify the causes of issues and to be able to fix them more easily, please provide specific information, such as which page(s) you found the bug, your operating system, and your browser. You may also use the #fandom-feedback channel on Wookieepedia's Discord server to report any bugs.

Once a bug has been verified as fixed, it will be archived to prevent clutter. If you feel that a bug was prematurely archived and that it has not been fully resolved, feel free to move it back to this page to continue discussion.


Section name in edit summaries[]

When editing a section of an article, providing an edit summary now prevents the edit history from showing which section was edited. The section name used to be prepended to the editor-supplied edit summary, as in this edit summary from 2017. If the editor leaves the edit summary blank, the section name is still shown, as in this summary from a few minutes ago.

In Wikipedia, when editing a section, the section name is pre-populated in the edit summary field between C-style comment marks, such as /* Behind the scenes */, and an editor can append their summary to this, or remove it to suppress the section name in the edit summary. I don't recall whether this is how the Wookieepedia of 2017 and earlier also handled it. Asithol (talk) 00:41, 30 November 2023 (UTC)

  • Explicitly adding the section name between /* and */ does also work to include it in the edit summary, as demonstrated by the edit I'm now making. But it should not be incumbent on the editor to remember to do this every time they edit a section; the field should be populated thus by default. Asithol (talk) 00:44, 30 November 2023 (UTC)
Hello! I don't quite understand, sorry. From testing, editing a section adds /* and */ marks to the section header in the edit summary, and you can add a summary after that. Are you saying that's not how it should happen? --Spongebob456 talk 10:24, 1 December 2023 (UTC)
That is exactly how it should happen, and how it's currently not happening, at least using the default skin in Firefox 102.12.0esr. For this edit I'm currently making, the edit-summary field is blank, even though I'm editing a specific section. The edit history will likely show the section name anyway, so it's pulling that information from somewhere even in the absence of the pre-populated summary field you're seeing. Asithol (talk) 19:52, 5 December 2023 (UTC)
Heya, sorry for the late reply, been a bit poorly this week. Which editor are you using please? 2010, default source editor? --Spongebob456 talk 11:30, 11 December 2023 (UTC)
This is using the default source editor. I don't know what you mean by "2010." Asithol (talk) 01:58, 13 December 2023 (UTC)
This bug is still happening: I edited only the Aftermath section of Night of Sorrow. The edit-summary field was not pre-populated with the section name inside /* and */, and the resulting edit summary shows only the text I entered, not the section edited. (This edit also is not showing the section name in the edit-summary field, but since I'm not adding my own edit summary, I predict that the bug thread's edit history will show the section name.) Asithol (talk) 23:54, 3 June 2024 (UTC)
As predicted. Asithol (talk) 23:56, 3 June 2024 (UTC)

Indara ToC[]

The header of the Table of Contents box for Indara says "cодержание" instead of "contents". Nothing else is in Russian, just that word. I'm using Chrome on Windows. Jarhead002 (talk) (he/him) 22:19, 7 June 2024 (UTC)

  • That's strange. It's in English for me, as per usual. Try reloading the page. If that doesn't work, try refreshing your cache. OOM 224 (he/him/they) 22:35, 7 June 2024 (UTC)
    • It's normal now. Yesterday I had reloaded several times, closed the page and reopened it, and the bug still was there. I can't find the problem in the edit history, so maybe it was a cache issue. I was reading stuff about Russian grammar earlier in the day, but I can't imagine that would have anything to do with it. Jarhead002 (talk) (he/him) 20:12, 8 June 2024 (UTC)