


"Oh no."
―Kaydel Ko Connix, upon spotting the Fellfire and another Star Destroyer[7]

The Fellfire was one of three Resurgent-class Star Destroyers of the First Order that partook in the Battle of D'Qar alongside the dreadnought Fulminatrix. General Armitage Hux had planned to destroy the Resistance in a show of might using the dreadnought's autocannons in orbit of the planet D'Qar, but Resistance pilot Poe Dameron and the Resistance Starfighter Corps' bravado in taking on the Fulminatrix by themselves succeeded in eliminating the warship. While TIE fighters launched from the Fellfire and its fellow capital ships crippled the Resistance's force of fighters and bombers, the First Order flotilla failed to vanquish the Resistance fleet, which fled unscathed.


"I'll be a tiny target for those big cannons of theirs. They'll never hit me."
―Poe Dameron, regarding the Fellfire and the other First Order ships' weaponry[6]

As a warship of the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer model,[1] the Fellfire measured 2915.84 meter (9566.29 feet) in length,[2] possessed three Destroyer Ion Engines and eight Gemon-8 ion engines,[3] and was equipped with a hyperdrive.[4] It also had a III-a1a primary hypermatter-annihilation reactor, a deflector shield generator, multi-spectrum sensor towers, sensor towers, a hyperwave comm scanner,[5] and hangar bays.[6]

Resistance Commander Poe Dameron was confident that the Fellfire's large laser cannons would fail to hit his X-wing starfighter if they engaged in combat.[6] Nevertheless, the capital ship was able to launch its complement of TIE/fo space superiority fighters to counter Resistance fighters.[1]


Fiery ambitions[]

"[…] they'll all be competing with each other, doing anything they can to make sure it's their ship that picks me off."
―Poe Dameron, voicing his plans for distracting the Fellfire and other Star Destroyers[6]

The Resistance fleet evacuating D'Qar

The Fellfire[1] was a First Order Resurgent-class Star Destroyer that accompanied two other vessels of its class—including General Armitage Hux's flagship, the Finalizer—to the Ileenium system[4] in 34 ABY.[8] Following a carefully orchestrated demonstration under Hux's command, the First Order flotilla aimed to destroy the Resistance at its base on the planet D'Qar and thereby end the war between them and the Resistance in a spectacle that would demonstrate the might of the First Order to the rest of the galaxy.[4] En route to D'Qar, the Star Destroyers' movements were detected by Resistance High Command, who immediately ordered an evacuation of their base.[6]

Commander Dameron proposed that he could buy time for the escape by manning a single X-wing and, taking advantage of the First Order commanders' egos, taunt them into attempting to down his fighter, which he would then fly close to the Star Destroyers in order to encourage friendly fire among them. Dameron's Black Squadron wanted to join their commander in protecting the Resistance fleet and taking on the three Star Destroyers—a plan that pilot Jessika Pava described as "crazy" if done solo—but General Leia Organa diverted them to another mission.[6]

As plans fall through[]

"How many ships?"
"Reading three Resurgent-class Destroyers…and something else. Something…big."
―General Leia Organa and a Resistance officer[9]

The Fellfire and another Resurgent were spotted by Resistance member Kaydel Ko Connix from the base upon their exit from hyperspace into D'Qar's orbit, and the two were soon joined by the Finalizer, from which Hux led the siege of D'Qar. General Hux delegated the obliteration of both the Resistance's base and fleet to the final arrival: the Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix.[7] Aboard the Resistance Star Cruiser, the Raddus, the makeup of the First Order forces was promptly gathered by the Resistance[9] via comm/scan[4] and a corresponding holographic display of them was set up in the command bridge.[9]

Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought

The Fellfire was one of four First Order warships that caught the Resistance amid their evacuation.

With the Resurgents flanking the Fulminatrix[7] as they moved into positions closer to the Resistance fleet, Dameron attempted to stall the First Order capital ships by hurtling toward them in his lone X-wing and humiliating "General Hugs" over comm unit. While he failed to involve the Fellfire and the other Star Destroyers in combat[4] as the pilot had initially planned,[6] he instead took out all the dorsal cannons on the dreadnought, which destroyed the Resistance's base with its autocannons only after the last of their transports scurried from D'Qar to join the Raddus.[4]

As the Fulminatrix's autocannons readied to fire upon that ship, the dreadnought, which was protected by only its own TIE fighters, was approached by Resistance bombers and their starfighter escort.[7] With Captain Moden Canady of the Fulminatrix having told General Hux that fighters needed to be scrambled earlier when Dameron targeted the dreadnought's guns,[4] the Fellfire and its fellow Destroyers eventually launched more TIEs to counter the threat. Although the onslaught of an overwhelming number of TIEs crippled the Resistance Starfighter Corps, the Fulminatrix was destroyed.[1]

The TIEs pursued the remaining fighters toward the Raddus and the Fellfire, and the other Destroyers fired at the escaping crafts, but the fleet fled the Ileenium system with its cruiser unharmed.[4] The Finalizer[10] and another Resurgent from the Battle of D'Qar later joined the dreadnought Supremacy and its task force of Star Destroyers in hounding the Resistance fleet[4] through the Oetchi system.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Fellfire was created for the 2017 sequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi,[7] and it was named in the 2018 junior novelization of the film by Michael Kogge. The novel does not specify which Star Destroyer in the film is the Fellfire.[1]


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