


"[Dakerno] witnessed the ritualistic tribal customs of two warring factions—the Farangs and the Waroots. Impressed by the natives' centuries-old tactics, Dakerno created the holo game."
―Gundark's Gear Datalog[2]

The sentient Farangs evolved on the planet Ab'Bshingh alongside another intelligent species, the Waroot. The two species were at war for centuries, resulting in the development of unique tactics and customs. Imperial strategist Crat Dakerno studied these customs and based his holo boardgame B'shingh on them.



A game of B'shingh featuring Waroot and Farangs

The Farangs were a sentient species that evolved on Ab'Bshingh,[1] a planet located in the Outer Rim Territories's Sujimis sector.[3] For centuries, the Farangs fought against a second species native to the planet, the Waroot. The conflict led to the development of unique ritualistic tribal customs and tactics over the many years of conflict. Eventually, the Galactic Empire intervened and dispatched forces to quell the violence on the planet's surface.[1]

Among the officers accompanying the Imperial troops was military strategist Crat Dakerno. Impressed by the natives' tactics, Dakerno studied their customs, eventually creating the holo boardgame B'shingh from what he had learned. The game became popular in certain intellectual and military circles. The game involved moving Farangs and Waroot around the board in an attempt to capture the opponent's base. Since proficiency in the game required knowledge of the ancient customs of the Farangs and their opponents, the game had only limited popularity.[1] A B'shingh hologame was manufactured by Dakerno Incorporated and retailed for AurebeshSans-Serif credit500.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

"I told Charlene to write a story involving this scene so I could feature the color artwork in the Journal. She went to work and submitted "A Certain Point of View," in the plot of which she managed to highlight several elements of the painting."
―Peter M. Schweighofer[4]

The Farangs were created by Charlene Newcomb for her short story A Certain Point of View, published in West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal 8 in 1995. Following a challenge from editor Peter M. Schweighofer, Newcomb wrote this story based on the cover image of the 1989 adventure Riders of the Maelstrom.[4] This cover, illustrated by Daniel Horne, contained a holographic board game, which was incorporated by Newcomb in the form of the Waroot and Farangs. While several figures can be discerned in the cover image, there has been no canon determination as to which figure belongs to which species.

A portion of the information from A Certain Point of View was later republished in the sourcebook Gundark's Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear in 1997; the story itself was republished in Tales from the Empire in 1997 and on Hyperspace in 2006. The Farangs also received an entry in 2009's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.



Notes and references[]
