


The fall of Yordain Core was an event which took place at the Yordain Core where the individual Zab, who was eventually a Sergeant in the 61st Mobile Infantry, experienced a struggle for survival and was present for a blessing from a priest-king.[1] Around 5 ABY,[2] he was reminded of the event during a scouting mission to the planet Catadra, and the sergeant told this to his comrades in the 61st on the planet Troithe after. Zab told the story of his survival and the blessing to the other soldiers as well as some pilots from the New Republic's Alphabet Squadron.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The fall of Yordain Core was mentioned in the 2020 novel Shadow Fall, written by Alexander Freed.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Shadow Fall
  2. StarWars In Shadow Fall, the Dark Secrets of Alphabet Squadron Revealed on StarWars.com (backup link) establishes that Shadow Fall takes place approximately half a year after the Battle of Endor, while Before the Awakening states Kes Dameron and Shara Bey moved to Yavin 4 around six months after the Battle of Endor. Given that Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates their move to 5 ABY, the events of Shadow Fall must also take place around that time.