


"Eadun silver was more than enough when I thought you were just some street rat, Gehren Rand. But then you and your chum here put on quite a display of keen ability."
―Norus Cay, to Gehren Rand[2]

Eadun silver was a valuable type of silver originating from the Outer Rim planet Eadu that could be used to make necklaces. In 49 BBY, Jedi youngling Gehren Rand traded her family's Eadun silver necklace to the Black Sun lieutenant Nodrus Cay in exchange for passage offworld so that she could save her father, whom she believed to be in danger. Cay took the item into her possession, later explaining its value to Rand's friend, fellow youngling Obi-Wan Kenobi.


"It's Eadun silver. Worth more than a month of smuggling spice, I'll tell you."
―Nodrus Cay, to Obi-Wan Kenobi[2]

Eadun silver was a rare[1] and valuable type of silver with a silvery-blue color that could be used to make necklaces. The substance originated from[2] the Outer Rim planet[3] Eadu.[1] A small jewelry-sized amount was worth more than a month of spice smuggling[2] by 49 BBY.[4]


"Is that what you've been hiding under your mat?"
"It's from my family"
"You know you can't keep it. Master Yoda said we must avoid attachments—"
"Well, I'm getting rid of it now. I can save my father with it."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi and Gehren Rand, about the latter's Eadun silver necklace[2]

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Gehren Rand argue about the latter's Eadun silver necklace.

At some point during the Republic Era, Jedi youngling Gehren Rand was given a necklace made of the material by one of her family members,[2] whom she cherished dearly.[1] She kept[2] the dearly held possession[1] under her sleeping mat in the Jedi Temple on[2] the Core Worlds[3] planet Coruscant, despite being encouraged to not keep sentimental items.[2] In 49 BBY,[4] Rand began having dreams of her father suffering and in pain, becoming determined to save him. Rand hired Nodrus Cay—a ranking lieutenant in the Black Sun criminal syndicate—to take her offworld to save her parent, offering her family's Eadun silver necklace as compensation. Cay agreed, taking the jewelry into her possession within an hour of their initial meeting.[2]

As Rand departed the Jedi Temple, her fellow youngling Obi-Wan Kenobi followed her into the Coruscant Underworld and met with the lieutenant. Cay explained the terms of her deal with Rand to Kenobi, holding up the Eadun silver necklace in her possession and expounding on its value. Kenobi berated his friend for owning the item, mentioning that Jedi Master Yoda would say it was an attachment, going against the Jedi Code. Not long after, having discovered that both children were Force-sensitive, the lieutenant attempted to force the pair into her service, commenting that she had only accepted Eadun silver as transport payment when she thought Rand was a "street rat." Kenobi and Rand quickly made their escape from the situation, leaving the necklace behind.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

"For the pendant, there was no specific description about it other than it's made from rare and valuable Eadun silver."
―Ario Anindito[1]

Ario Anindito's concept art for Gehren Rand's Eadun silver necklace

Eadun silver first appeared in a flashback in the first issue of the Star Wars: Obi-Wan comic series, which was written by Christopher Cantwell, illustrated by Ario Anindito, and published by Marvel Comics[2] on May 4, 2022.[5] In a StarWars.com article released the same day, Anindito revealed several conceptual designs of his for Rand's pendant, as the script's ambiguity allowed him to customize its design. He mentioned that each one featured Eadu rock reliefs similar to those visible in[1] the 2016 Anthology film,[6] Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.[1]

Out of all the models shown in the article, the artist indicated that the third—a teardrop model for the item, which was labeled "tears shape w/ Eadu rocks relief"—was eventually chosen to reflect Rand's tears and feelings of longing as the pendant was given to her by someone she loved deeply. Anindito also felt that the necklace was a dearly held possession of the youngling's due to the memories it evoked, considering it a piece of lore that knitted together her Star Wars backstory well.[1]


  • Obi-Wan 1 (First appearance) (In flashback(s))


Notes and references[]

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