


Dyspeth was an Outer Rim Territories moon that perpetually orbited within the shadow of a planet in the Varada sector. Around 900 BBY, it was settled by Humans, with a Force-sensitive individual known as Twilight forming the group of Force-users known as the Disciples of Twilight there. The group became the defenders of Dyspeth's inhabitants, and five centuries later, the moon was discovered by the Galactic Republic, with the natives of Dyspeth gradually re-entering the galactic community.


Dyspeth was a habitable moon that orbited a remote and unremarkable planet[3] in the Dyspeth system of the Outer Rim Territories' Varada sector.[1] The moon perpetually fell within the shadow of the planet.[3]


Disciple of Twilight

Dyspeth was home to the Disciples of Twilight.

Dyspeth was originally settled little more than nine hundred years before the Battle of Yavin by Human colonists who wished to break away from the Galactic Republic. Shortly after the moon's colonization, a Force-sensitive individual known only as Twilight, who was rumored to have been a former Jedi seeking a new beginning, attempted to unite other colonists who could access the Force in order to help their society adapt to Dyspeth's conditions. In order to do so, Twilight used her own Force abilities, and eventually, she became the founder of a group of Force-users known as the Disciples of Twilight. Although the group did not hold military or political power on the moon, its members became the guardians of Dyspeth's inhabitants over the subsequent centuries.[3]

Although Dyspeth was forgotten by the wider galaxy soon after its settlement, around 400 BBY, after centuries of peaceful existence, the moon was rediscovered by a Republic survey team. Although the people of the moon were cautious of the motives of the galactic government, they re-entered the galactic community as quiet traders. Afterward, the Disciples of Twilight gradually dispersed into the neighboring star systems, with their motives apparently involving protecting the weak from abuse by the strong. Since most other worlds were more brightly illuminated than Dyspeth, the Disciples, who predominantly used the Force to manipulate light and shadows, found their abilities to be amplified when offworld. By 137 ABY, although the organization had gained new members over the preceding centuries, its membership was chiefly drawn from natives of Dyspeth.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Dyspeth was introduced in the sourcebook Legacy Era Campaign Guide, published by Wizards of the Coast[3] on March 17, 2009[4] for use with the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.[3] The August 18, 2009[5] reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Dyspeth system, and therefore the moon, in grid square I-20.[2]


Notes and references[]
