

"Druk. Druk. Druk. Druk."
Keeve Trennis, forced to interrogate Myarga the Hutt while infiltrating the Nihil[1]

Druk was an exclamation of frustration[1] or worry.[2] It could also be used as an intensifier, such as "who the druk are they?"[3]

Druk was also used as a synonym for nonsense, e.g. "a load of bantha druk"[4] or "the druk that flows from that mouth of yours."[5] Doctor Aphra referred to a Path engine replica that did not live up to Beol De'Rruyet's claims as "full of druk."[6]

The term could also refer to something of low quality, such as "piece of druk."[7] The term "drukhole" referred to an unpleasant place.[8]

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Behind the scenes[]

The use of the word "druk" is similar to the real-world impolite word "shit," especially when used in phrases like "bantha druk,"[4] which is similar to "bullshit"; "piece of druk,"[7] which is similar to the term "piece of shit"; "full of druk,"[6] which is similar to "full of shit," and "drukhole,"[8] which is similar to "shithole." It is also phonetically similar to the real-world vulgar swear word "f*ck."


Notes and references[]
