


"Well, wingmate? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"The Doza Dive?"
"That's the one. Can you handle it?"
"Not a problem."
―Venisa and Torra Doza[1]

The Doza Dive was a starfighter combat maneuver that two pilots could perform. In 34 ABY, Venisa and Torra Doza opted to use a Doza Dive after encountering a First Order TIE fighter squadron during a blockade of the planet Dantooine. The pair successfully completed the maneuver by destroying the two TIE fighters following them and congratulated each other for their efforts.


The Doza Dive was a starfighter combat maneuver that shared its name with the Doza family. The tactic was used to misdirect enemy pursuers, leading them into an easier position to take out. The Doza Dive could be performed by two pilots diving their starfighters in opposite directions, both downward and away from their pursuers, until the combatants followed them. Afterward, both individuals would swing their vessels in the opposite direction to surprise and engage their opposition, destroying their first combatant. One starfighter would then loop around and fire at their second pursuer, completing the maneuver.[1]


"Great shot, Mom."
"Nicely done yourself."
―Torra and Venisa Doza[1]

Venisa and Torra Doza executing a Doza Dive

At some point, the pilots Venisa Doza and Torra Doza learned how to complete the Doza Dive. After encountering a First Order TIE fighter squadron during a blockade of the planet Dantooine[1] in 34 ABY,[2] Torra and Venisa opted to use a Doza Dive while combatting two TIE fighters. Both pilots steered their starfighters, the Blue Ace and an X-wing, respectively, toward Dantooine's surface.[1]

After ensuring one TIE was following each ship, Torra fired at and destroyed the enemy fighter following Venisa's ship. Afterward, Venisa flew in a loop to position herself behind the Blue Ace, taking out the second TIE fighter following her partner. Upon completing the maneuver and destroying both enemy combatants, they congratulated each other before focusing on the remaining First Order forces.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Doza Dive appeared in "Rebuilding the Resistance,"[1] the seventeenth episode of the second season of the Star Wars Resistance animated television series. The episode premiered on January 19, 2020.[3]



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