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The cru was a species of small, winged creatures. For their size, they had large noses and ears. Two front sharp teeth stuck out of the mouth. During the High Republic Era, a male named Cham Cham was the pet of the Force-sensitive, Zeen Mrala.

Biology and appearance[]


Cham Cham attacking members of the Nihil

The cru were small creatures with brown skin and black eyes. They were carnivorous creatures with sharp teeth. Some of their teeth stick out of their mouth. Relative to their size, the cru had two very large ears and a large nose. Black stripes were located on the back head. Cru also had jagged wings that were used for flying. On their wings, one sharp claw was located on the top of each wing. The cru also possessed a long brown tail relative to their size.[2] On each foot, a cru has two toes.[3] After a meal a cru would fall asleep.[2]

Cru in the Galaxy[]

In 232 BBY[4] a cru named Cham Cham was the pet of the Force-sensitive, Zeen Mrala. Cham Cham was with Zeen when the Nihil launched an attack on the planet Trymant IV.[1] During the attack Grand Master Yoda used Cham Cham to help locate Zeen's friend Krix Kamerat.[2]

Wild Cru could be found on the moon Nar Shaddaa.[5]

Behind the scenes[]

The cru first appeared in The High Republic Adventures (2021) 1 which was written by Daniel José Older with Rebecca Nalty serving as the colorist.[1]


Notes and references[]

External links[]

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