


The Celegia system was a part of the Expansion Region's Noori sector. It contained the world Celegia, which had a toxic cyanogen atmosphere and was the home to the sentient Celegians. By 17,000 BBY, the star system was a part of the Galactic Republic's Exploitation Region. The Celegia system had become a part of the Galactic Empire by 17 BBY, and it fell under the control of the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong around 27 ABY.


The Celegia system was situated in the Noori sector[1] in the Slice portion of[2] the Expansion Region.[1] By approximately 17,000 BBY, hyperlanes linked the system to the Belasco system as well as the Inner Rim's Virujansi system.[3] Those hyperspace routes persisted until the Great Sith War of 3996 BBY but had ceased to exist by the beginning of the Mandalorian Wars in 3976 BBY.[2]

The Celegia system[1] contained the world of the same name. It had raging seas and an atmosphere with large amounts of the generally toxic gas cyanogen.[4]



Around 17,000 BBY, the Celegia system was a part of the Exploitation Region.

Space surrounding the Celegia system was explored between 20,000 BBY and 15,000 BBY,[2] and by 17,000 BBY, the system was a part of the Galactic Republic. Around the latter point in time, which saw the beginning of a series of conflicts between the planet Alsakan; the Republic's capital world, Coruscant; and their respective allies, the Celegia system was located in the Exploitation Region—a territory that was actively controlled by Coruscant-affiliated trading conglomerates known as the Grand Companies. In addition, the hyperspace route linking the Celegia and Belasco systems was under Coruscant's control. The hyperlane connecting the Celegia system to the Virujansi system, however, was among the routes that were either neutral or contested during the conflicts.[3]

During the first campaigns of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, the Republic's Fourth Sector Army was charged with engaging the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the Celegia system's vicinity.[3] Shortly after the acquisition of the planet Ukio by the Commerce Guild during the Clone Wars, the Celegia system was featured on a galactic map displayed on a viewscreen at a facility run by Passel Argente, the Magistrate[5] of the Corporate Alliance.[6] By 17 BBY, the star system had become a part of the Galactic Empire.[3] As part of their invasion of the galaxy, at some point by 27 ABY, the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong had gained control over the Celegia system.[2]


Celegia was the homeworld of the sentient Celegian species.[4] Around 25 ABY, the population of the Celegia system numbered between ten and one hundred million.[2] The Celegians eventually established a colony on the Outer Rim Territories moon Tramanos, which,[7] similar to Celegia,[4] also had cyanogen in its atmosphere.[7]

Behind the scenes[]

The Celegia system was first mentioned in the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, which placed it in grid square O-10.[2] The Clone Wars: Act on Instinct, a webcomic authored by Pablo Hidalgo and released on StarWars.com[5] over the span of the 2009[8]2010[9] second season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series,[8] featured the system's first appearance.[5]



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