


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

Carth Onasi owned a personal blaster pistol during the Jedi Civil War. The weapon was an old Arkanian design, but had been modified to incorporate modular technology used by the Galactic Republic at the time. The blaster was capable of being upgraded with a scope, beam splitter, hair trigger, and an improved energy cell. Onasi owned the blaster during the Attack on the Endar Spire, during which he met the former Sith Lord Revan, with the identity of a Republic soldier. Onasi would use his personal blaster in his right hand, paired with a common blaster pistol in his left.[1]

Later, during the ensuing Jedi Purge a blaster was found with the Onasi family symbol. It is possible that this blaster belong to Carth, and was lost following his adventures with Revan. It may have also belonged to another member of the family.[2]

Behind the scenes[]


The in-game icon.

The blaster first appeared as an equip-able item in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It has no effect on any quests or alignment changes. The blaster is automatically equipped to Carth Onasi upon spawning on Taris, so obtaining it is unavoidable. However, the player may decide to remove it from him. The player can also sell or store the weapon, and is not required to keep it.[1]

In the 2004 sequel, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, it appears under the name "Onasi Blaster" as a random drop or a reward from Suulru.



Notes and references[]

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