

For other uses, see Firespray.

"You were projecting waves of emotion, a storm of anger and fury. […] It was all I could do to aim that first shot from my blaster at the ceiling. Every instinct in my body was telling me to fire it into the crowd. I wanted to take them all down and leave them writhing in pain."
―Groshik to Dessel, after wielding his CS-33 Firespray stun rifle in his cantina[1]

The CS-33 Firespray stun rifle was a type of crowd control stun blaster. During the New Sith Wars, the stunner rifle was available for purchase. In 1003 BBY, the cantina owner Groshik wielded his CS-33 Firespray stun rifle at the unruly patrons in his establishment, firing one shot at the ceiling and waving its barrel at the crowd until they departed. Afterward, Groshik discussed the incident with the miner Dessel.


The CS-33 Firespray stun rifle was a model of stun blaster designed for crowd control. The one-handed rifle featured a wide-beamed blast capable of incapacitating several targets at once by rendering them unconscious. Although the stunner's effects were non-lethal, they nevertheless caused pain to those affected. After firing a shot, the stun rifle required a short amount of time to recharge before being used again.[1]


"We're closed. Everybody get out of my cantina!"
―Groshik, while wielding his CS-33 Firespray stun rifle[1]

The CS-33 Firespray stun rifle was manufactured by BlasTech Industries (emblem pictured).

During the New Sith Wars, the CS-33 Firespray stun rifle was manufactured by the arms manufacturer BlasTech Industries. Among some individuals, the stun rifle was considered one of the best nonlethal crowd control devices available for purchase at the time. On several occasions, the Neimoidian Groshik—the owner of a cantina on the planet Apatros—wielded his CS-33 Firespray stun rifle in his establishment against several of the world's miners. The miner Dessel was present for at least one of those instances, having been injured by the weapon and remembering the pain it caused him.[1]

In 1003 BBY,[2] Groshik wielded his stun rifle to calm down the rowdy patrons of his cantina, who had become incensed due to the outcome of a sabacc card game hand between Dessel and an ensign. After firing one shot at the ceiling and instructing everyone to leave, those present slowly shuffled out of the establishment while he continued waving the weapon's barrel at them. Dessel remained behind at Groshik's request, watching the Neimoidian set his CS-33 Firespray stun rifle on a cantina table after the other patrons had departed. Afterward, Groshik discussed the angry emotions he had felt emanating from Dessel during the sabacc game, indicating that he had felt compelled to aim his stunner into the crowd instead of into the ceiling.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The CS-33 Firespray stun rifle appeared in the 2006 novel Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, written by Drew Karpyshyn.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Darth Bane: Path of Destruction
  2. The Essential Reader's Companion dates the events of Star Wars: Darth Bane Trilogy from 1003 BBY to 980 BBY. As Darth Bane: Path of Destruction is the trilogy's first installment, and the section of the novel including CS-33 Firespray stun rifle occurs before the novel's events move forward to a different point in time, its appearance must have been in 1003 BBY.