


"Would you like to get some buttersweet puffs? I know they are your favorites."
"Sure. Sounds great."
―Scover Byne and Affie Hollow[1]

Buttersweet puffs were a type of pastry that humans could consume. In 232 BBY, the Byne Guild's owner—Scover Byne—offered to acquire some for her adoptive daughter, the pilot Affie Hollow, while they visited the Core Worlds planet Coruscant. Hollow accepted, as the pastries were one of her favorites. In 28 ABY, the New Republic Senator Ransolm Casterfo brought fellow Senator Leia Organa a box containing a dozen buttersweet puffs, for which she thanked him.


Buttersweet puffs were a type of small pastry that was consumable by humans.[2]


"What's that?"
"A dozen buttersweet puffs. To heal what ails you."
―Leia Organa and Ransolm Casterfo[2]

Buttersweet puffs were one of Affie Hollow's favorite treats.

During the High Republic Era, the puffs were a favorite of the Byne Guild pilot Affie Hollow.[1] In 232 BBY,[3] her adoptive mother—the Byne Guild's owner, Scover Byne—offered to get her some of the puffs while the pair were visiting the Core Worlds planet Coruscant. Byne hoped to cheer her daughter up after her traumatic visit to the Amaxine Space Station while also lying to the latter that the space station was only used as a mere way station for the Byne Guild. Although the pilot agreed to acquire some of the treats, Hollow felt discomforted by Byne's words—which she knew to be incorrect—and forced a smile.[1]

While on[2] the Core Worlds planet[4] Hosnian Prime[2] in 28 ABY,[5] the New Republic Senator Ransolm Casterfo acquired a box of a dozen buttersweet puffs for one of his colleagues, Senator Leia Organa, who was recovering from her injuries received during the Napkin Bombing attack on a Senate conference building. He brought the puffs to her home, and she thanked him for the gift, commenting that the treats were a nicer present than receiving soup. Organa enjoyed one of the puffs as the pair discussed the recent incident.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Buttersweet puffs first appeared in Bloodline, a 2016 novel by Claudia Gray.[2]


Notes and references[]

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