


The Bramior system was situated in the Inner Rim and contained the Bramior star, a large asteroid field, and the rogue moon Rove. During the Galactic Civil War, the luxury gambling starship Cal Ambre maintained a permanent orbit near the asteroid field. As part of the Bombarde game, the Cal Ambre would use its mass driver cannon to shoot asteroids at Rove's surface, with the game's participants aboard the starship observing the proceedings and betting on which section of the moon would be impacted.

Around that time, Retter Lewis operated aboard the Cal Ambre a respectable artifact dealership, Callia's, which was regularly visited by prominent Galactic Empire–affiliated individuals. He also used the business as a cover for running a Rebel Alliance transportation network. The network provided secure passage for Rebel agents on the run in addition to defecting Imperial dignitaries, with such fugitives often being smuggled onto or off the Cal Ambre disguised as artifact shipments.


The Bramior system was located in the Inner Rim.[1] It contained the Bramior star, which was orbited by a large asteroid field. In addition, eons before the Galactic Civil War, the star captured the rogue moon Rove.[2]


Cal ambre

The Cal Ambre maintained a permanent orbit in the Bramior system.

By the time shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the three-kilometer-long Cal-class battleship Cal Ambre, which had been converted into a luxury gambling vessel, maintained a permanent orbit in the Bramior system, at the edge of its asteroid field. The main attraction of the Cal Ambre was the Bombarde game, which involved the starship using its mass driver cannon to shoot asteroids—drawn in via the use of its tractor beam projectors—at randomly generated coordinates on Rove's surface and people aboard the vessel betting on which section of the moon would be impacted, with the bettors observing the proceedings from an observation gallery.[2]

During the Galactic Civil War, Retter Lewis, an artifact dealer based out of the Callia's shop aboard the Cal Ambre, and his two permanent employees, Graff Teiras and Halacc Demior, secretly operated one of the Rebel Alliance's largest covert transportation networks. The network provided safe passage to Rebel agents on the run as well as defecting important officers and bureaucrats of the Galactic Empire, who were moved from the Core Worlds to Alliance bases or safe worlds in the galaxy's more remote regions. Often those individuals were smuggled onto or off the Cal Ambre in secret, disguised as Callia's artifact shipments. Eventually, Alliance General Airen Cracken noted the transportation operation in the Bramior system in an entry dedicated to Lewis that was part of a datafile detailing various Rebel operatives.[2]


The Cal Ambre, which held a permanent orbit in the Bramior system, had a crew of 2,150 individuals and a passenger capacity of nine thousand people. At times, starships, including cruisers, were present near the vessel, with many skiffs and ferries traveling between it and the other ships. A frigate of the Galactic Empire, able to arrive within fifteen minutes of an alert from the Cal Ambre, was present in the star system at all times in order to provide security to the gambling ship. The Imperial warship was usually on hand during the arrival and departure of liners and freighters.[2]

The Cal Ambre experienced a constant influx of Imperial dignitaries, with Moffs, business officials, nobles, and other prominent individuals routinely visiting Callia's. Smugglers, scouts, and professors also frequented the establishment. Imperial agents regularly obtained Force-attuned artifacts from the shop, with those items subsequently being transported either to Coruscant[2]—the capital planet of the Empire[1]—or to one of Galactic Emperor Palpatine's secret storehouses.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The Bramior system was created by Paul Sudlow and was introduced in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a 1994 West End Games sourcebook published for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In the book, an illustration by Doug Shuler depicted a view of the system.[2] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed it in grid square M-9.[1]


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