


"Only the Honor Guard of Lasan may carry a bo-rifle!"
Garazeb Orrelios, to ISB Agent Alexsandr Kallus — (audio) Listen (file info)[4]

The bo-rifle was a type of weapon that uniquely combined the functions of an electrostaff and a blaster rifle, intended for exclusive use by the Honor Guard of Lasan. It was considered a great insult if it was used by anyone else. It consisted of a staff that could be collapsed to a length roughly equivalent to a standard blaster rifle. When extended, the weapon's tip(s) were electrified, up to 11,000 volts, either purple or yellow in color[5] and were the primary contact points of the weapon during melee combat. The number of tips on the weapon depended on the model (AB-75 and J-19 had two, the CJ-9 had one). The weapon was then a quarterstaff when used in melee combat. When retracted or folded, the weapon functioned as a blaster rifle.[1]

Following the devastation of Lasan, bo-rifles were rarely seen in the galaxy,[1] although some would later fall into the hands of both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire.[2]

Agent Kallus, a member of the Galactic Empire's Imperial Security Bureau, acquired his J-19 bo-rifle via the Boosahn Keeraw: the warrior way of the Lasat species in which a Lasat gifted their weapon to their opponent after being defeated in combat.[6]

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