


"Early in the war, the Empire blockaded the world of Berason because of its political views."
―Airen Cracken, Cracken's Rebel Field Guide[3]

Berason was a Mid Rim mining world located in the Eclorar sector. During the Galactic Civil War, Berason—the inhabitants of which politically opposed the Galactic Empire—was subjected to an Imperial blockade that cut off the world's sources of food and medical supplies. Eventually, a Rebel Alliance force led by Airen Cracken ran the blockade, performing a strike against Berason's Imperial base and paving way for an Alliance convoy to bring supplies to the world.


Berason was a world[3] located in the Berason system, a part of the Eclorar sector[1] in the Slice portion of[2] the Mid Rim.[1]


"I was put in charge of a force to get supplies to the world below—both food and military—and then lead a strike against the world's Imperial base."
―Airen Cracken, Cracken's Rebel Field Guide[3]

The Galactic Empire used Defender ion mines to blockade Berason.

In the early phase of the Galactic Civil War, due to Berason's inhabitants opposing the Galactic Empire, the latter blockaded the world by seeding its near space orbit with Defender ion mines. The mines disabled any approaching starships. Due to the trade with other worlds, which was the main source of medical supplies for Berason, being cut off as a result, the Berason natives became ill and their resolve to oppose the Empire began to weaken.[3]

In response, the Rebel Alliance placed Airen Cracken in command of a force tasked with running the blockade and delivering food and military supplies to Berason, followed by a strike against that world's Imperial base. Cracken's force circumvented the ion mines by sending out men equipped with environmental suits and jetpacks, with the sensors of the explosives not being able to detect anything smaller than four meters in diameter. Although the process was very slow, eventually Cracken's unit succeeded in clearing a path for a massive Alliance convoy to Berason, and the officer later recorded his experiences at that world in the Cracken's Rebel Field Guide, a datafile he had composed that documented various pieces of equipment used during the Galactic Civil War.[3]


"Berason is a low tech mining world that depended upon food and medical supplies from other planets in exchange for minerals."
―Airen Cracken, Cracken's Rebel Field Guide[3]

A low-tech mining world, Berason depended on other planets for food and medical supplies, merchanting them minerals in return. The inhabitants of Berason were politically opposed to the Galactic Empire, which had established a base at the world.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Berason was first mentioned in the 1991 sourcebook Cracken's Rebel Field Guide, which was written by Christopher Kubasik for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[3] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Berason system, and therefore the world itself, in grid square Q-12.[2]


Notes and references[]
