


"[…] even as Rekvan's image spoke lovingly of his feelings for her, Mareoian could somehow sense the depth of those feelings. Somehow, she felt the throb of Rekvan's pulse quickening and then racing as the words poured out of him. This was no simple holo-vid, she realized."
―Excerpt from Verigriss Tranex's Beneath The Galdronian Moon: A Modern Lover's Epic[1]

Beneath The Galdronian Moon: A Modern Lover's Epic was a composition authored by Verigriss Tranex. It featured a scene where the character Mareoian received a message from her lover Rekvan in which he proposed to her. The scene highlighted the use of a BX-333 Biorecorder in the delivery of said message to Mareoian as well as her experience using the device.


BX-333 Biorecorder

A scene of Beneath The Galdronian Moon: A Modern Lover's Epic depicted the use of a BX-333 Biorecorder (pictured).

Beneath The Galdronian Moon: A Modern Lover's Epic was a work of fiction authored by Verigriss Tranex.[1] It shared its name with the Core Worlds' Galdronia system.[3]

The work featured the characters Mareoian and Rekvan, with the former suspecting that the latter would propose to her. In a scene of the composition, Mareoian received from Rekvan an Ulqib MicroTronics' BX-333 Biorecorder—a device that recorded a user's holographic message as well as their respiration, brain waves, and bio-functions such as pulse, and then could both play back the message to the recipient and simultaneously transmit the other data to them as well. Mareioan listened to her lover's message—in which he spoke about his feelings for her and indeed proposed to her—and marveled at the experience of receiving the sensory data of Rekvan's emotional state at the time of the recording.[1]


Beneath The Galdronian Moon: A Modern Lover's Epic was published at some point by 3 ABY.[2] At some point between 0 ABY and 3 ABY,[2] the scene of the work depicting Mareoian's use of the BX-333 Biorecorder was excerpted in an advertisement for the still-new Biorecorder in the fiftieth-anniversary edition of Galladinium's Galactic Datalog of Fantastic Technology.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Beneath The Galdronian Moon: A Modern Lover's Epic was mentioned in Galladinium's Fantastic Technology, a 1995 sourcebook authored by Rick D. Stuart for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[1]


Notes and references[]
