


The capitalization in this article's title is conjectural.

Although this article's title is canonical, its actual capitalization is pure conjecture.

Padmé Amidala's beaded indigo gown[2] was part of her extensive wardrobe when she served in the Galactic Senate as the representative of the Naboo people and their homeworld of Naboo. It consisted of a patterned overdress over an underdress with a beaded bodice. It had shades of indigo, blue, and purple;[1] the sober colors blended with ornate details and rich fabric.[3]

In 22 BBY,[4] after the bounty hunter Zam Wesell's first attempt to assassinate her, Senator Amidala wore the gown to visit Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's office.[1] Her attire was accessorized with a gold-toned choker necklace that was a gift from the Naboo Royal Advisory Council and a severe hairstyle that conformed to diplomatic etiquette.[3]

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Behind the scenes[]

Padmé Amidala's beaded indigo gown was created for the 2002 prequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.[1]


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Notes and references[]
