


"We had the Battle of Gormen won, until the AT-ATs arrived."
―Major Bren Derlin[1]

The Battle of Gormen occurred during the Galactic Civil War. During the engagement, Rebel Alliance forces, including the field commander Major Bren Derlin, were initially victorious. That changed when the Galactic Empire deployed its All Terrain Armored Transport walkers, which decimated the Rebel positions and caused those Rebel soldiers not fleeing in panic to surrender. At some later point, Derlin gave an account of the battle.

The battle[]

"They came out of the fog and ripped apart the front lines. The locals ran in terror, but the experienced soldiers surrendered. We knew that you can't outrun an AT-AT."
―Major Bren Derlin[1]

Galactic Empire's All Terrain Armored Transport walkers (pictured in combat against Rebel Alliance soldiers) turned the tide of the Battle of Gormen against the Alliance.

The Battle of Gormen was a confrontation of the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance.[1] It occurred at some point between approximately 2 ABY and 4 ABY[2] and shared its name with the Gormen system of the Outer Rim Territories' Nuiri sector.[3] The Battle of Gormen took place in foggy conditions and involved Rebel soldiers—both experienced offworld combatants and local fighters—fighting on front lines against Imperial opposition, with Major Bren Derlin serving as a Rebel field commander.[1]

The Rebel forces initially gained the upper hand in the engagement, but a turning point came when the Empire deployed the towering All Terrain Armored Transport walkers. Approaching the Rebel positions through fog, the walkers eventually emerged from the cover of the mist and proceeded to annihilate the enemy's forces. Although the Alliance's frightened local combatants fled the onslaught, those of its soldiers who had previous experience against the walkers believed the machines could not be outrun and therefore chose to surrender.[1]


Derlin survived the Battle of Gormen[1]—ultimately going on to serve the Alliance's successor states, the Alliance of Free Planets[4] and the New Republic[5]—and at one point narrated the Rebels' plight during the engagement.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Battle of Gormen was mentioned in the 2003 reference book The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels by W. Haden Blackman.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  2. 2.0 2.1 The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels establishes that Major Bren Derlin was part of the Rebel Alliance forces participating in the Battle of Gormen. Databank title Derlin, Major Bren in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link) places Derlin's promotion to the rank of major after the Battle of Nentan, with Alliance Intelligence Reports further describing the promotion as a recent event. The latter book represents a collection of in-universe reports from "one year before the Battle of Hoth," which translates to 2 ABY per The New Essential Chronology—a book that also dates the reorganization of the Rebel Alliance into the Alliance of Free Planets to 4 ABY. Therefore, the Battle of Gormen must have occurred at some point between approximately 2 ABY and 4 ABY.
  3. StarWars Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
  4. HyperspaceIcon The Forgotten War: The Nagai and the Tofs on Hyperspace (article) (content removed from StarWars.com and unavailable)
  5. The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook