


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"The ancient laboratory around me crumbled
The ground shook and the buildings tumbled.
Quickly I rescued plants and seeds
Unique specimens for my research needs.
Later I returned for an investigation
And found the grounds and plants filled with radiant contamination.
―A passage by Baji included in The Essential Guide to Alien Species[1]

At some point by the reign of the New Republic, an ecological disaster affected the world Barenth. In the vicinity of an ancient laboratory, the disaster took the form of a groundquake that damaged the facility. The healer Baji was present at the laboratory during the event and subsequently resolved to reside at the facility for the rest of his life in order to try and heal the plants therein.


At some point by the time of the reign of the New Republic, the Ho'Din healer Baji visited an ancient laboratory on the world Barenth with the goal of researching healing remedies.[1]

The disaster[]

"In the following passage, a Ho'Din named Baji […] describes his unique cultural reaction to an ecological disaster on a world called Barenth—a place he had visited to research healing remedies."
The Essential Guide to Alien Species[1]

At that point, an ecological disaster struck Barenth in the area of the laboratory. A groundquake collapsed several buildings of the facility while Baji rapidly collected unique specimens of plants and their seeds he needed for his research and then left the laboratory.[1]


"I mourned my plant brothers and knew what was right:
I would stay here and heal this place for the rest of my life.
―A passage by Baji included in The Essential Guide to Alien Species[1]

Upon his return to investigate the laboratory, Baji discovered that the facility grounds and plants located there had been tainted by a radiant contamination. Due to his sympathy for the damaged plants—and the species-wide veneration the Ho'Din exhibited for plants—Baji resolved to inhabit the Barenth laboratory for the rest of his life in order to attempt to heal the plants therein. Baji later described the Barenth disaster in a rhyming passage that was eventually noted in the book The Essential Guide to Alien Species, which was itself based on the notes of Senior Anthropologist Mammon Hoole.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The ecological disaster on Barenth was mentioned in the 2001 reference book The Essential Guide to Alien Species by Ann Margaret Lewis.[1]


Notes and references[]
