


"Hah! I knew you'd be quaking in your balance stabilizers!"
―B1-0516 ("Bats"), to other droids[1]

Balance stabilizers were a type of stabilizer that could be installed in a droid to keep the unit steady. Balance stabilizers could be seen in droids from various centuries, with units active in the High Republic Era and late Republic Era periods both making use of the technology. According to B1-series battle droid B1-0516 ("Bats"), B1 droids and T-series tactical droids could, should they feel fear, quake in their balance stabilizers.



B1-series battle droids and T-series tactical droids (both pictured) were equipped with balance stabilizers.

Balance stabilizers were a stabilizer device built into droids with the purpose of keeping them steady. Among the droids who used such devices were B1-series battle droids and T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droids. According to the rogue B1 unit B1-0516 ("Bats"), such droids, should they be experiencing fear, could quake in their balance stabilizers.[1]


"You're the one who said we were in trouble. Electrify—NOW!"
"[Sighs] Roger that… hold onto your balance stabilizers."
―Ty Yorrick and Klo react to a scav droid attack[2]

Finding work as a monster hunter and saber-for-hire during the High Republic Era,[2] the former Jedi Padawan Ty Yorrick led a crew consisting of herself, the admin unit[3] and protocol droid[4] KL-03 ("Klo"),[2] the astromech droid R0-VR ("Rover"),[3] and her squire, Drewen Qweebjillan, out of a starship.[2] In 229 BBY,[5] while operating within the Nihil-controlled Occlusion Zone, Yorrick and her crew came under attack from Nihil scav droids for refusing to pay hyperspace route tolls. Unable to enter hyperspace directly for their next destination without changing course, Yorrick rammed into the scav swarm and ordered Klo to electrify their vessel to wipe out the surviving droids. Reluctant to do so, Klo advised the crew to hold onto their balance stabilizers before activating the defense, allowing them to escape.[2]


The rogue B1 unit Bats wrongly believed he had scared Separatist droids to the extent they were quaking in their balance stabilizers.

During the late Republic Era, centuries after the days of the High Republic,[6] the B1 battle droids and T-series tactical droids of the Confederacy of Independent Systems's armed forces made use of balance stabilizers during the Clone Wars against the Galactic Republic. During the Battle of Horain[1] around 20 BBY,[6] the rogue battle droid B1-0516 ("Bats") resisted his Separatist captors and, believing he had scared his fellow B1 units and a T-series tactical droid, exclaimed that he had predicted they would be quaking in their balance stabilizers. In reality, the droids were shaking due to vibrations from an approaching Armored Assault Tank manned by Clone Captain Rex and Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, who were arriving to rescue Bats and successfully did so.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Balance stabilizers were first mentioned in "Roger Roger," a comic story written by Cavan Scott that was included in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 19,[1] which was released on March 27, 2019.[7]


Notes and references[]

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