


"A particularly lethal mass of destruction, the altagak has been described by natives of the planet Altora as 'high speed death on four legs.' This description accurately depicts the favorite pastime of this reptilian predator indigenous to Altora's southern savannahs."
―Holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum of Chandrila[2]

Altora was an Outer Rim Territories planet located in the Dalonbian sector. It had a warm climate in its southern regions, and plains and savannahs on its surface. Those grasslands were home to the reptilian predators known as altagaks. The creatures hunted herd animals kept by the planet's ranchers, causing the latter to post large bounties on altagak hides.


"A solitary hunter, the altagak enjoys the warmth of the planet's southern clime, often spending a good portion of each day basking in the sun, until aroused by the prospect of prey."
―Holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum of Chandrila[2]

Altora was a planet[2] located in the Altora system of the Outer Rim Territories' Dalonbian sector.[1] It orbited a single sun, and the planet's southern regions had a warm climate. Those areas featured plains and savannahs covered in tall grasses.[2]

Altora's southern grasslands were home to altagaks, stealthy and fast predatory reptilian quadrupeds referred to by the planet's natives as "high speed death on four legs." Other than the altagak, which was one of the few predatory species on Altora, the fauna of the planet's grasslands included a variety of large herd animals. Altagaks frequently hunted the pack creatures for food, but shortages of game sometimes forced the predators to attack warm-blooded humanoids instead.[2]


During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Altora was mentioned in an entry dedicated to the altagak within a holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum of Chandrila.[2]


"[...] the voracious appetite of the average altagak has resulted in large bounties being placed on altagak hides in recent years. Despite this, altagak depredations on rancher herds are a continuing problem that threatens the fragile economy of the planet."
―Holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum of Chandrila[2]

Altora had a fragile economy supported by ranch farming, although it was threatened by altagak attacks on herd animals. The long average lifespan and alpha predator status of the former creatures caused the local ranchers to place large bounties on altagak hides.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Altora was first mentioned in the 1994 West End Games sourcebook Creatures of the Galaxy, which served as a supplement to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[2] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Altora system, and therefore the planet Altora, in grid square L-3.[3]



Notes and references[]

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