

"Do you know what Fitan did the very first time I tried to hold it together, on the day we were supposed to be greeted by a delegation from the Alnarian Collective? She let out a fart. The most beautiful, perfectly timed trumpet that had ever been heard."
―Zeveron, to Cathley[1]

The Alnarian Collective was a group.[1] By 382 BBY,[2] a delegation from the Collective was set to meet Jedi Master Fitan and her Padawan, Oliviah Zeveron. When the two parties greeted, Fitan farted vociferously, using the Force to simulate flatulence-caused air flow in her Jedi robes. Fitan and Zeveron then giggled like younglings in front of the Collective.[1] In that year,[2] Zeveron recounted the toot to fellow Padawan Matthea Cathley.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Alnarian Collective was mentioned in Path of Vengeance, a novel written by Cavan Scott in 2023 as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia series'[1] Phase II.[3]


Notes and references[]
