


"Airlock 8 is clear. Listen to that water dripping. Hey stormtrooper, how do you handle that? I'd be running to the 'fresher every couple minutes."
―A Scout Trooper Commander[1]

Airlock 8 was a location at the edge of Fortress Inquisitorius' defense perimeter. A spaceous chamber, the airlock contained a body of water upon which laid a balcony housing consoles, by which were stationed stormtroopers. The balcony had a blast door leading into the heart of the Inquisitorius headquarters through a corridor, as well as an access walkway reaching halfway through the airlock.[1]

Around 14 BBY,[2] during his secret mission to rebuild the Jedi Order, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis infiltrated the Inquisitorius fortress through Airlock 8, entering from underwater into the flooded airlock. After defeating several stormtroopers and scout troopers led by a Scout Trooper Commander at Airlock 8, the Jedi was assisted by his droid companion, BD-1, in slicing open the balcony blast door, revealing a KX-series security droid in the corridor beyond. Kestis fought his way through, and proceeded towards the heart of the Imperial facility.[1]

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