


The 97th Legion,[2] also classified as the Imperial Ninety-Seventh Stormtrooper Legion,[1] was an Imperial stormtrooper legion active during the Galactic Civil War. The legion was assigned to Sullust, where it maintained order against the Sullustan resistance and the Cobalt Laborers' Reformation Front. SP-475 was a member under the command of SP-113. During the Siege of Inyusu Tor, the legion took heavy casualties against the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry.[1]

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Behind the scenes[]

"And so, this is a deep cut that I was really interested to get into the game."
Tyler Parrott, on the Unlimited 97th Legion card[3]

The Imperial Ninety-Seventh Stormtrooper Legion first appeared in Alexander Freed's 2015 canon novel Battlefront: Twilight Company. In Star Wars: Unlimited, the 97th Legion card came from a desire to make a unique card that could grow in power. In concept, the 97th Legion card is not heroic nor villainous despite the Empire generally "skewing heavily villain."[3]



Notes and references[]

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