


The "Impact" repulsor cannon, also known simply as the Impact cannon, was a model of repulsor cannon manufactured by Nova Design Arms. Designed as an alternative to other forms of non-lethal weaponry, the Impact cannon utilized a modified speeder bike repulsorlift to fire tight, narrow beams of energy to disrupt a target's actions at medium ranges.[2] However, this effect only lasted as long as the beam remained focused on the target.[1] Nova Design engineers installed a short-ranged grapple onto the weapon to help stabilize it. The Impact cannon's design was inspired by makeshift repulsor guns.[2]

Costing 1,000 credits and considered inferior to other non-lethal forms of weaponry, the "Impact" repulsor cannon became popular among law enforcement agencies and bounty hunters who were concerned about collateral damage while trying to subdue a difficult target.[2] In addition, the weapon's ability to pacify targets allowed bounty hunting teams to use unconventional tactics to capture their targets.[1] The Impact cannon was particularly helpful against Wookiees, Trandoshans, and Gamorreans.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The "Impact" repulsor cannon was first mentioned in No Disintegrations,[1] a 2017 supplement for the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire roleplaying game published by Fantasy Flight Games.[3]


Notes and references[]
