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Stanleyk is the owner of Stanleyk's Bar and Rody Soul's informant for all kind of out of the law jobs in My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission.


Stanleyk is a stout, middle-aged man with notable wrinkles on his face. The top of his head is bald and he has curly dark brown hair on the sides as well as thick eyebrows. He also has visible arm and chest hair.

He wears a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up underneath a purple vest with dull yellow buttons.


Stanleyk is a shady man with connections to the criminal circuit in Otheon. He has no qualms in aiding the activities of villains, nor does he have any problem with passing unethical jobs to a local street rat, Rody Soul. Despite this, he does promise Rody monetary compensation for the jobs he provides, albeit with less than fair terms. Stanleyk appears to trust Rody and vice versa, despite their occasional falling outs. On one occasion, Stanleyk got angry at Rody for stealing his bike, although Rody had pointed out that Stanleyk had stolen it from someone else.

He does have a kinder side however, as Stanleyk gave Rody a bartending job after one of his employees quit. This allowed Rody to have an honest job and earn a decent wage that could support him and his younger siblings.[1]


Rody arrives at Stanleyk's bar looking for a job. After paying a small fee, Stanleyk discloses that there's a pick up required on east third street and that the package needs to be delivered to a Chinese restaurant. Rody asks how much he will be paid but Stanleyk chuckles, saying that he's in no position to negotiate fees and that he'll take the normal rate and do it with a smile on his face. Pino protests, but Rody silences her and agrees to the job. He leaves, clearly annoyed but decides to get payback by taking Stanleyk's bike. Stanleyk shouts after Rody, but the latter points out that the bicycle was already stolen and that he'll return it to its real owner when the job's done.

Unfortunately for Stanleyk, while Rody did pick up the package, which was a briefcase full of jewelry that two villains stole, it would end up being lost due to the interference of three heroes in training from Japan; Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, and Shoto Todoroki. Rody would end up accidentally grabbing a different briefcase from a highway collision, containing an object of importance involving Humarise. Things went further awry when Rody ends up being placed as Izuku's accomplice with the latter having been put on Otheon's wanted list for suspected mass murder, forcing both young men to go on the run.

Later on, Rody phones Stanleyk and asks if he can go by his home and tell his younger siblings, Roro and Lala, that he won't be coming home for a while, promising to pay him for it later. Stanleyk is enraged however and refuses to do the favor, saying that he received a complaint that the package was never delivered. Rody tries to explain himself, but the bar owner refuses to hear it and demands that Rody deliver the goods or else before hanging up. Rody laments that he doesn't have the goods before angrily slamming the phone down on the receiver.

After the conflict with Humarise finally settles, Rody goes to the bar and asks Stanleyk if he has a more permanent and respectable job for him. Stanleyk says that one of his bartenders quit recently and that Rody could help, leading him to hire Rody as a bartender. Rody accepts the job while Pino rejoices.[1]


Criminal Connections: As an informant for villains in Otheon's Shanty Town, Stanleyk is acquainted and well-informed with the activities in Otheon's criminal underworld.


Bicycle: Stanleyk possessed a bicycle outside of his bar, one that Rody pointed out was stolen. After a negotiation between them, Rody decided to take it for himself, although he said he'd return it to its true owner after finishing his job.


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