Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Silver Scorpion (2.0)
Rarity Type Base Stats Price Unlock
Silver Martial Artist Attack: 470

Health: 430

Toughness: 470

Recovery: 410

Power Gen: 100%

55,000 Koins Store, Silver Pack


Scorpion is a really adept card that has very decent and strong stats. His passive gives him and other Martial Artists a damage boost that can be further strengthened with Kung Jin/Prime's crit chance boost for Martial Artist teammates, this in conjunction with his signature equipment, the "Shirai Ryu Kunai" and Scorpion's SP3 which inflicts curse, can make the opposing team take really heavy critical damage, making the silver Martial Artist team proficient to use. His "Spear" attack, while being able to pull and stun the opponent, can be negated in both aspects by simply blocking. As such, if players decide to use his Special 1, it is crucial that they time it right so that they can potentially keep their enemies from striking back.


Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Scorpion. Having a card that "counters" Scorpion does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good With[]

  • Martial Artist characters.

Countered By[]


Here are Scorpion's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
Deadly Arts Passive +15% attack for Martial Artist teammates. Always Active
Spear First Special Medium Damage + Stun Target
Eternal Vengeance Second Special High Damage Swipe
Flameport Third Special High Damage + Curse Diagonal Swipe, Swipe

Support Cards/Equipment[]

Here are Scorpion's support and equipment cards.

Card Classification Description Picture
Wraith Attack 3-33% Bonus Attack
Scorpion damage
Clan: Shirai Ryu Health 3-33% Bonus Health
Scorpion health
Rival: Sub-Zero Recovery 20-220% Bonus Recovery
Scorpion energy
Shirai Ryu Kunai Equipment 15-25% Critical Hit Chance Boost.

[Scorpion] 20-30% Special Attack 1 and 2 unblockable chance.
[Fusion Level X] 25% Damage boost against enemies affected by Stun or Slow.

Kunai scorpion post


These stats are the final damage, health, toughness and recovery at level 50, per Fusion rank, with ALL support cards, and without any equipment. With Update 1.18, Fusion 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Fusion 10 stats are for level 60 characters.

Rank Attack Health Toughness Recovery
Normal ?? ?? ?? ??
Elite I ?? ?? ?? ??
Elite II ?? ?? ?? ??
Elite III ?? ?? ?? ??
Elite IV ?? ?? ?? ??
Elite V ?? ?? ?? ??
Elite VI ?? ?? ?? ??
Elite VII ?? ?? ?? ??
Elite VIII ?? ?? ?? ??
Elite IX ?? ?? ?? ??
Elite X 19,691 36,602 14,805 41,328

