Mortal Kombat Mobile Wikia
Lin Kuei (2
Rarity Type Base Stats Price Unlock
Bronze Martial Artist Attack: 180

Health: 220

Toughness: 200

Recovery: 200

Power Gen: 90%

9,000 Koins Store, Bronze Pack, Test Your Luck


Despite having the lowest attack out of all characters, especially those of the bronze tier, Lin Kuei bolsters a passive that increases all Martial Artist teammates' health by a small percentage for a slight durability boost. His first special attack hits long range regardless of the first hit missing, but unlike Sub-Zero, it does not freeze the opponent. His second special is similar to the Shirai Ryu's "Clan Edge" attack as it hits close range. His second combo does not have a combo ender, and when blocked, it can push the opponent away in which he can link his "Mist" attack, though the opponent might block it. He can be teamed up with Martial Artist starters like Shirai Ryu, Scorpion and Sub-Zero.


Here are Lin Kuei's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
Discipline Passive +5% health for Martial Artist teammates Always Active
Mist First Special Medium Damage Target
Forest Blade Second Special High Damage Swipe

Support Cards/Equipment[]

Here are Lin Kuei's support and equipment cards.

Card Classification Description
Ambush Attack 3-33% Bonus Attack
Lin Kuei Tradition Health 3-33% Bonus Health
Agility Recovery 20-220% Bonus Recovery

Lin Kuei has no special equipment.


  • The Lin Kuei uses Sub-Zero's voice and movements, but his SP2 is unique.
  • Prior to Update 2.0, he costed 8,000 Koins.