Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Enterprise, sailing brig, 2371

Worf on the plank

To "walk the plank" was a means for execution of sailors by pirates.

Following the USS Enterprise's encounter with the pirate Captain Angel in 2259, Christopher Pike joked that Angel should be made to walk the plank if they were ever caught. (SNW: "The Serene Squall")

In 2371, the crew of the USS Enterprise-D jokingly re-enacted this ancient naval tradition when they celebrated Worf's promotion to the rank of lieutenant commander on the holodeck. Later, Captain Jean-Luc Picard chided Commander William T. Riker after Riker mistakenly asked the computer to "remove the plank", causing Worf to fall into the water, rather than giving the correct order to "retract the plank". (Star Trek Generations)

Following an episode of conspiracy and distrust that occurred aboard the USS Voyager in 2376, Captain Kathryn Janeway and Commander Chakotay discussed the latest rumors circulating aboard Voyager. While discussing trust between the two, Janeway jokingly claimed that she "heard the strangest rumor today. Apparently, the captain and first officer almost came to blows." Chakotay questioned if it was mutiny, and Janeway replied that the "first officer walked the plank", or at least, so she heard. (VOY: "The Voyager Conspiracy")

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