Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Vexilon was a sentient computer that controlled the environment of Corazonia, an ancient Dyson ring. He was responsible for Corazonia's weather, geography, and day-night cycles.

Some six million years ago, Vexilon's creators evolved into fifth-dimensional energy beings and vanished, leaving him alone. The ring subsequently became inhabited by the humanoid Corazonians. Vexilon ensured that the Corazonians lived in perpetually ideal conditions, and they developed a deep bond with him. The Federation identified him as a "benevolent ally", with no interest in dominating others.

In 2381, the Corazonians requested Starfleet's assistance, as Vexilon's functions had been degrading, resulting in unpredictable weather and geographical anomalies. Captain Carol Freeman of the USS Cerritos determined that the fault lay not in Vexilon's hardware but his operating system, which had not been updated since the year 5,997,626 BC. However, after she initiated the update, Vexilon suffered a malfunction that caused severe meteorological disturbances throughout the ring.

Freeman attempted to activate Vexilon's safe mode for debugging, but instead triggered a full reboot. This led Vexilon to commence regenesis: creating fjords and volcanoes, distributing miasma, and stirring primordial ooze to reset the ring's environment to its default settings. As he prepared to disperse anaerobic bacteria, Freeman read from an instruction scroll that Vexilon could force a restart if his primary power were rerouted to an external power relay. Doing so allowed Vexilon to complete the update and restore normal operation, though the relay was destroyed. Afterwards, Freeman estimated that he would continue to function without issue for over a thousand more years. (LD: "In the Cradle of Vexilon")

Vexilon was voiced by Oscar Montoya.
